hardest class to play?
Dutch Masterr
my favorite characters in guild wars are mesemers, rangers, monks and warriors. depending on what kind of character you are will judge how fast you can complete the game. i love playing as a mesemer in pve, but no one wants me in their group because they think im useless. im an expert mes, but i do know that most just spam conjure phantasm and other degen skills, but mesemers if played right can be the most powerful class in the game. in my opinion, next to rangers, they have the most potential. in many cases, in pvp and pve, if you play a mesemer correctly, they seem almost overpowered. another thing about them is you need to know alot about guild wars in order make an efficient mesemer. i believe mesemers, monks, necros and to some extent assassins are very hard to play, while other classes like ranger are very easy to play. warriors are easy to play, but near immpossible to actualy master. basically what im saying is when a mesemer, assassin, or ritualist wants wants to join your party give them a chance!
Dont worry m8 there are still players out there who always look for mesmers around and the rest of "underdogs"

yeah, there is a phobia about mesmers......but most in the 'know' know that mesmers are very powerful characters in the right hands......and my mes is a secondary ranger as well.............................................. .
Hardest profession to play in Guild Wars?
Has to be Monk. It's easy to do the job, but it's hard to put up with the people who trash-talk you when they die of stupidity.
Has to be Monk. It's easy to do the job, but it's hard to put up with the people who trash-talk you when they die of stupidity.

You can play classes, but you can play them well

In my opinion Mesmers are nr 2 on the list of coolest profession to play list. First is definately monk: Immediately a party when in a mission outpost, and healing is very easy.
mesmer is secondary, it's an underestimated class and i bet people who have played a mesmer don't underestimate them anymore. The problems with mesmers is their high energy and long recharge time spells. But if you know the arts of Illusion, Inspiration, Domination and Fast casting, this should not be a problem.
i'm sure 50%+ of the guild wars players will disagree with me, but in my opinion is the least nice class the warrior, although they have some good point. i love to do everything with henchies, and that is hard with henchies, as a warrior, you don't have much control on your party, if it's gonna die in a battle or fail, a monk can decide if a hench party fails or dies.
Monks are one of the less popular classes in tha gem imo, warrior is the most popular, just because of the farming and the drops etc. I don't farm very often, there's no need for having 100k+. I am satisfied with the collectors stuff, although i like to test farm builds, as it's a challenge to kil l the minotauers in elona reach, before getting killed. this was before the update.
mesmer is secondary, it's an underestimated class and i bet people who have played a mesmer don't underestimate them anymore. The problems with mesmers is their high energy and long recharge time spells. But if you know the arts of Illusion, Inspiration, Domination and Fast casting, this should not be a problem.
i'm sure 50%+ of the guild wars players will disagree with me, but in my opinion is the least nice class the warrior, although they have some good point. i love to do everything with henchies, and that is hard with henchies, as a warrior, you don't have much control on your party, if it's gonna die in a battle or fail, a monk can decide if a hench party fails or dies.
Monks are one of the less popular classes in tha gem imo, warrior is the most popular, just because of the farming and the drops etc. I don't farm very often, there's no need for having 100k+. I am satisfied with the collectors stuff, although i like to test farm builds, as it's a challenge to kil l the minotauers in elona reach, before getting killed. this was before the update.
well depending on how you play them mesmers are definatly the hardest.. when played right.. you can really tell they are helping ya.. except for the wammo.. he will just strut around and say things like.. CLEAVE!!! FTW, or NO NEED TO HEAL ME I GOT MENDING.. and such on and so forth..
other than that i dont know any class that is all that tough
other than that i dont know any class that is all that tough
Warrior Of The Toon
Most people (including me) have chosen to play other Professions beforehand and have not had the spare slots to make a mes, and as such they do not know how they work, and the few they party with are often crap. They are like the assassins of Prophs, no one likes them but can be devastating if used correctly.
Any class is easy to play, but to be effective at it I'd say it takes a lot of practice. The hardest to me are the mesmer and assassin. It really depends on the builds, too. Some builds are easy to play and don't require much thought or skill. Easy to be a degen mesmer and do it well, but trying being an interrupter. That's not easy. And assassins take a lot of coordination to know when and what to do during the battle so you survive, cause they definately aren't known for surviving under heavy pressure. Just my opinion from playing all the professions.
very much w/mo's think the rule verything, but if the monk leaves the game, normally for a good reason, they can start crying
playhing a mesmer needs experience, my mes is at ring of fire mssion and she often is the only one staying alive, if you know how aggro etc works. Mesmers have great skills, remember fighting vs the thousands of mesmers in the southern part of mamoon lagoon? No? try it out, I doubt if there's a Warrior build to farm them. interrupting skills ( cry of frustration)and the famous backfire skills really help out when they are used at the right moment. 100+ dmg every time they cast a spell can kill those brainless flare-spamming eles in a couple of seconds!
playhing a mesmer needs experience, my mes is at ring of fire mssion and she often is the only one staying alive, if you know how aggro etc works. Mesmers have great skills, remember fighting vs the thousands of mesmers in the southern part of mamoon lagoon? No? try it out, I doubt if there's a Warrior build to farm them. interrupting skills ( cry of frustration)and the famous backfire skills really help out when they are used at the right moment. 100+ dmg every time they cast a spell can kill those brainless flare-spamming eles in a couple of seconds!
Originally Posted by Fluim
very much w/mo's think the rule verything, but if the monk leaves the game, normally for a good reason, they can start crying
playhing a mesmer needs experience, my mes is at ring of fire mssion and she often is the only one staying alive, if you know how aggro etc works. Mesmers have great skills, remember fighting vs the thousands of mesmers in the southern part of mamoon lagoon? No? try it out, I doubt if there's a Warrior build to farm them. interrupting skills ( cry of frustration)and the famous backfire skills really help out when they are used at the right moment. 100+ dmg every time they cast a spell can kill those brainless flare-spamming eles in a couple of seconds! |
You're good at playing a mes bcos you stay alive? I must say very wammo logic

Casting backfire on an idiot.. well..
I fail to see how you have shown any of your "experience" in that post, more like flaunting your total lack-of.
Phaedra Firesoul
i totally agree about mesmers being underappreciated. i love my mes and i believe i play her well. indeed, it took practice, and i was very excited to hear from a pug group i was in that they thought i was a very good mes. timing is everything with a profession like that.
Mes rock I took mine into NF from Fac. just getting off newbie island, I joined this group that was whining because the leader let me in. they where saying how they would fail for the 4th time in a row. some degens from me and some interrupts and next thing you know we win. they all, but leader said they where sorry they said bad things about my Mes

That's a matter of what you call experienced. IMO im doing fine, i find myself usefull in PUGs, can do everything with henchies what i also can do with a warrior. And every profession needs to stay alive doesn't it? I've seen more warrior noobs than Mesmer noobs. totem W/R vs 3 mesmer mobs will the warrior win, of course, i totally agree. killing 10+ warrior mobs at a time is easy, before the update, killing 10 disenchanting and interrupting and degenerating mesmers is a lot harder.
and in PUGs Memser normally don't get attacked, if you know your play in the party. mesmers are not supposed to be hit by warriors, so that W/R vs three mesmers battle is unfair anyway
Dean Harper
Mesmers are definetally not the hardest class to play, monks by far have the hardest job of keeping the team alive. Mesmers just have a bad reputation of being hard to play. My very first character was a Mes and now i can play it expertly. My advice to all new players is to start out with a war, beat the game, then create either a Mesmer, Necro or Ranger since they require understanding and skill to play. I would not recommend a monk to anyone new, since they have the hardest job and are hard to work with if your new.
chicks boy
Rangers - Yes you are right, they have potential. But IMO this class offers me boreness. I would be playing this class and be my main character IF they have some flahsy arrows, bowstrings, fast shooting etc... They shoot arrows like too slow... IMHO.
Warriors - I love melee classes, I love going in the front line. But i hate playing Simple-Soldier like the warrior. Warriors are just... Uncreative in this game. Why can't they jump while they fight? Why cant they swing their sword/axe like crazy? Why cant they Oh nevermind you get the idea. My point is, The warrior is too... Mediavel Based. They dont... Move too much while they are fighting. They just stand there doing the same attack styles over and over again...
Mesmers - Not judging it because i have never played it.
Necromancer - Everyone needs necros
Though i only play as a MM or SS because thats what most people need in PVE
Monk - Hardest to play in PVE, Easy to play in PVP. There are always noobs and whammos on PVE. One time, this tank W/N uses Animate Flesh golem... WTH???? And when they end up dying, they blame the monks. But this class USED to be the best at money making so i like this class.
Elementalist - Not yet played completly, im unexperienced (I'm lvl 6) So i cant have the rights to judge this class.
Assassins - Same as warriors. But i like how they are skinny shaped so thats a plus.
Ritualist - Balanced class, can play MM, Healer, Tanking (VnK Build or Vengeful build) Channeling nuker, Spirit spammer Oh whatever but somehow its hard to get into groups with this class.
Paragon - Im unexperienced with this class (lvl 4) But i have a feeling i woudnt like this class very much... just a feeling ><
Dervish - My favorite class to pay
But i dont get how scythes have 9-41 and attacking multiple enemies at once while hammer is only 19-35 and ONLY hit ONE enemy... Can any1 explain dis for me lol
Warriors - I love melee classes, I love going in the front line. But i hate playing Simple-Soldier like the warrior. Warriors are just... Uncreative in this game. Why can't they jump while they fight? Why cant they swing their sword/axe like crazy? Why cant they Oh nevermind you get the idea. My point is, The warrior is too... Mediavel Based. They dont... Move too much while they are fighting. They just stand there doing the same attack styles over and over again...
Mesmers - Not judging it because i have never played it.
Necromancer - Everyone needs necros

Monk - Hardest to play in PVE, Easy to play in PVP. There are always noobs and whammos on PVE. One time, this tank W/N uses Animate Flesh golem... WTH???? And when they end up dying, they blame the monks. But this class USED to be the best at money making so i like this class.
Elementalist - Not yet played completly, im unexperienced (I'm lvl 6) So i cant have the rights to judge this class.
Assassins - Same as warriors. But i like how they are skinny shaped so thats a plus.
Ritualist - Balanced class, can play MM, Healer, Tanking (VnK Build or Vengeful build) Channeling nuker, Spirit spammer Oh whatever but somehow its hard to get into groups with this class.
Paragon - Im unexperienced with this class (lvl 4) But i have a feeling i woudnt like this class very much... just a feeling ><
Dervish - My favorite class to pay