i do appologies for my stupidness..... how do i start a new quest??? when i first loaded the game in i started a mission then i abandoned it, then i got a mission from one of the characters in the shing jae monastery, i completed that then that was it, cant find any more , do i just have to keep looking or am i doing somthing wrong???
sorry .... noob question
The Pointless
Ooh... easy and lazy option would be to re-roll your character. Not much to lose by doing so if you haven't got far.
surly there is another way to do it??? if it comes to that ill just have to do that i suppose :S thanks for the help

If you abandoned a quest, you can always get it back from the NPC who agve you it.
To get a quest, talk to NPC's who have an exclamation amrk above their head. A dialog will pop up and you can click accept. Then in teh chat log something will appear like Quest Added: <name of quest>
To get a quest, talk to NPC's who have an exclamation amrk above their head. A dialog will pop up and you can click accept. Then in teh chat log something will appear like Quest Added: <name of quest>
NPC's ?? (remember im a noob lol )
non playable characters, guys with green text who give you quests, and the merchant etc.
NPC= Non Player Character. Any character that has a green Exclanation point ! or and merchant that offers services. The quests are given by the ones with the exclamation point.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
thanks again for the replys, cant find anyone with a ! on the top of them, been searching for hrs lol did find one earlier and done that quest now cant find any :S