End game prize.

Lady Olaya

Lady Olaya

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2006

I've just done Hells Precipice mission and i guess that was a prize for players who finish all mission like a weapon or something like that. You know if this exist?

sorry for my bad english.

thank you.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



There is nothing like that in the original game (Prophecies)
Once you beat Hell's Precipice you get transported back to Droknar Forge.

Check with the Glint statue west of the Xunlai Storage.
Kneel before it and Glint would show up.
She should have a number of quests for you to do.

Defend Droknar, Leave from Granite Citadel
Last Day Dawns, Leave from Frontier Gate
Defend North Kryta Provice, Leave from Temple of Ages (party of 8, the mission is hard)
Defend Denravi, Make sure that you do not talk to the NPC when you leave town (this way she wont die and make you fail the mission)
Titan's Source, Leave from Yak's Bend (pary of 6, mission is hard)

Last but not least, do all these with people and not henches.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Originally Posted by Lady Olaya
I've just done Hells Precipice mission and i guess that was a prize for players who finish all mission like a weapon or something like that. You know if this exist?

sorry for my bad english.

thank you.
Your English is better than most Americans'...

Anyway, they only added the choice of an endgame prize in Factions and now Nightfall.

It seemed to me, when I finally got done with Prophecies for the first time, that that was prize enough. (Now my expectations have risen... )