Necro Obsidan Armor?
Ok, I wanted to farm, and buy some ectos and shards to get 2 pieces of Necro Female FoW armor. I know the materials and price of the armor without the materials but I was wondering what the Legs and Boots of Necro FoW armor would cost, with the materials?
15 ecto and shards for the boots and 35 ectos and shards for the legs. So for both, that comes out to 50 ectos and 50 shards no?
50 ectos @ 6.5k ea is 325k
50 shards @ 3.1k ea is 155k
Total is 510k for ectos and shards (with forgemaster's fee factored in)
add 5-10k in common materials you might need. Moreover, you might pay more for rare materials than I'm figuring here.
Overall, expect to pay upwards of about 525k give or take 10k here or there.
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50 ectos @ 6.5k ea is 325k
50 shards @ 3.1k ea is 155k
Total is 510k for ectos and shards (with forgemaster's fee factored in)
add 5-10k in common materials you might need. Moreover, you might pay more for rare materials than I'm figuring here.
Overall, expect to pay upwards of about 525k give or take 10k here or there.
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