no Infuse for Heros?
Bar Fight
i did an infusion run just a little while ago for my new armor and my heros. well once i got to the seer with the essence i got infused and i checked my Heros, and it didnt have them being infused. I know they had an update a while back that allowed henchmen to get infused but now to be honest i dont think heros get that same pleasure...
The Pointless
I believe their armour does become infused, it just doesn't show it for some reason.
Take them into Ice Caves and say hello to the Mursaat right at the beginning. Then you'll know for sure.

Originally Posted by The Pointless
I believe their armour does become infused, it just doesn't show it for some reason.
Just like the OP, I did infusion for my new armor and took my favorite heroes along. I've since been able to hero-hench all the way through Hell's Precipice with no problems.
I was under the impression that if you were infused, your heroes were...Don't know where I read that, though...
There armor must be getting infused because I got my new ele armor over the weekend, did the run, and Just for fun I went after Markis. Got him killed with no problems from the Mursaat with me, 3 heroes, and 4 henchmen.
Originally Posted by xiaotsu
I was under the impression that if you were infused, your heroes were...Don't know where I read that, though...
3 times purge conditions? wha?
Originally Posted by
3 times purge conditions? wha?
The Pointless
Originally Posted by
3 times purge conditions? wha?

Introduce your heroes to the Mursaat. If they are secretly infused then the Mursaat will book in with the GW Morgue. Else the Mursaat might have sun fun.........