Dye color question
I saw the thread on the various colors, but i was wondering if anyone had a dye combo for a really nice metallic bronze. I played around with a few and the closest i got was black + silver + 2 browns. However i am still not too happy with the color. Does anyone have some suggestions?
It depends a lot on the armor; what class and armor set are you trying for it with?
Has anybody made a combination that looks like the pre-Nightfall Black? I think i've tried all possible combinations, including 2Blacks+2different colors and 3Blacks+a color. And Gaile said in a recent Dev's update thread that it's now possible to make any color available before, using these dyes we have now.
Can't think of a combo for you since the mixtures that would use dye remover have to be reworked, but note that the texture, like Elinora mentions, does affect the color. If you have a fur, or cloth type armor, it will be very dificult to get a metallic type color on it.