Adjust Distance /Position of Body Blocking NPC's
I've tired of being body blocked by NPC's
By noblewoman in Lahtenda Bog (Sticky operation quest)
By Komir in quest and end game mission/s
They follow way to close yo the player and need to stay back a bit more in order too go around objects etc.
By Scouts as rez shrines when mobs are camping the rez area
They should be moved over to left/right more out of the way instead of being out in front of the rez area like they are now.
By noblewoman in Lahtenda Bog (Sticky operation quest)
By Komir in quest and end game mission/s
They follow way to close yo the player and need to stay back a bit more in order too go around objects etc.
By Scouts as rez shrines when mobs are camping the rez area
They should be moved over to left/right more out of the way instead of being out in front of the rez area like they are now.
ah yes, lahtenda is terrible. I got stuck there several times, and I had to re-do a long quest ("What do you do with a drunken schmuck" or something) because I was completely blocked by the very NPCs which I had saved when I was a couple dozen feet to reaching the end of the mission.
Maybe they could make /stuck command force NPCs to scramble away from you... it'd help a fair bit.
Maybe they could make /stuck command force NPCs to scramble away from you... it'd help a fair bit.
Again more Body blocking NPC's quest Pilgrimage
Come on Anet what do your 1,000+ Alpha/beta testers do all day?
(confirmed they have 1,000+ testers from the CE making of NightFall DVD)
Come on Anet what do your 1,000+ Alpha/beta testers do all day?
(confirmed they have 1,000+ testers from the CE making of NightFall DVD)
Tide to Go
i dont think the big problem is the NPC's i think there is too much blockage from the surroundings, like if you are running you might wanna go threw a tree beside a rock and it looks like i can get threw it and then when you try to go threw them.....O NO!!!! it blocked me from going threw. But ya those foes do squeez tight togther.

Thalion Galad
''sry for the laugh''
use the new GW command
that dont WORK... down by 3 spirits in a quest... had to map travel
very funny SOLID spirits
in a Bad mood today...
''sry for the laugh''
use the new GW command
that dont WORK... down by 3 spirits in a quest... had to map travel

in a Bad mood today...
i dont know how, but i got blocked by my own minions once ... luckily they have the nature to die after a while, but still :P
I agree totally.
But in the mean time and probably already pointed out to you
and it doesnt actually work because ive used it. How it works I dunno, but you seem to pass through things for a few seconds.
But in the mean time and probably already pointed out to you
and it doesnt actually work because ive used it. How it works I dunno, but you seem to pass through things for a few seconds.
The Silver Star
/stuck doesnt work however it was fun spamming /stuck and slowly nudging myself around Droknar

Yes, please move bodyblockers. Nothing more irritating than getting stuck and your toon won't move sideways out of the way either.
But equally important is to fix quests that have mobs merge right at the rez shrine (the one from the Keeper in the Gates of Torment comes to mind, as well as all those corsairs in the bog on Istan). Hello anet! Dumb $#%$#.
Why would you put mobs at a rez shrine? Why would you have quest mobs all merge point at the rez shrine?
Fix them both!
But equally important is to fix quests that have mobs merge right at the rez shrine (the one from the Keeper in the Gates of Torment comes to mind, as well as all those corsairs in the bog on Istan). Hello anet! Dumb $#%$#.

Why would you put mobs at a rez shrine? Why would you have quest mobs all merge point at the rez shrine?
Fix them both!
The Hand Of Death
Yeah I got stuck in that bog quest with the spirits. It got me pissed and I never completed it after that. When something like that happens, I normally don't try again.
Yes, please, I bodybloqued even by Gwen in PreAscalon.
Just make 'follow the player' and 'bodyblocking' excluding themselves.
If an NPc is given the order to follow the player, remove its 'bodyblock' property.
Just make 'follow the player' and 'bodyblocking' excluding themselves.
If an NPc is given the order to follow the player, remove its 'bodyblock' property.
Yes, please, I got bodyblocked even by Gwen in PreAscalon.
Just make 'follow the player' and 'bodyblocking' excluding themselves.
If an NPc is given the order to follow the player, remove its 'bodyblock' property.
Just make 'follow the player' and 'bodyblocking' excluding themselves.
If an NPc is given the order to follow the player, remove its 'bodyblock' property.