Unlocking Hero Battles PvP Arena

Jeff Highwind

Jeff Highwind

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Join Date: Jul 2006

Grenth's Rejects [GR]


I can't unlock the Hero's Battle PvP arena for my account. I've been using my PvE Necro to do all the PvP arenas and Zaishen Basic Training and I still have no luck. Any clues?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

If you have at least one hero unlocked, then create a PvP character, go to the Temple of Balthazar and talk to the priest. He'll give you an option to open the hero battles. This option didn't appear for me on my PvE character.

Jeff Highwind

Jeff Highwind

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006

Grenth's Rejects [GR]


Thanks padre. I'll try that.



Join Date: Jul 2005


Hmmm....I read somewhere that you have to unlock three heroes on your account in order to unlock the hero battles arena.

Jeff Highwind

Jeff Highwind

Forge Runner

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Grenth's Rejects [GR]


I just beat Nightfall. If that doesn't unlock the arena I don't know what will!

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

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Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


I just got on a pvp character; went to the temple of balthazar and talked to the priest of blathazar.
Got this:

Jeff Highwind

Jeff Highwind

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Grenth's Rejects [GR]


Same here, I rolled a PvP Monk and got it instantly.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

Hooded Reavers of Eternal Life(Ankh)


so if you don't have a free character slot you can't do hero battles? huh?

The Pointless

The Pointless

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If you have an existing PvP character, there shouldn't be any need, Pkest.
And I don't doubt that a PvE character can unlock it either...



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You have to ahve at least three heroes unlcoked, through PvE or with faction of balthazar, that should unlock it accoutn wide (for PvP characters, who have access to all unlocked heroes)

Jeff Highwind

Jeff Highwind

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Join Date: Jul 2006

Grenth's Rejects [GR]


PvE Toons cannot unlock it. 'Nuff Said.

Helios Skyfire

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You should report that in the Nightfall bugs thread.

The Pointless

The Pointless

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Originally Posted by Jeff Highwind
PvE Toons cannot unlock it. 'Nuff Said.
Learned the hard way, but existing PvP chars will do the job so no need to re-roll.

Also, I noticed I also got to unlock Acolyte Jin as well. I've already unlocked Sousuke in PvE and as far as I'm aware the Arenas all opened up when my main got Ascended.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

Hooded Reavers of Eternal Life(Ankh)


Originally Posted by Jeff Highwind
PvE Toons cannot unlock it. 'Nuff Said.
It would be nice if they got this fixed before the coming 'double faction for hero battles' weekend.

The Pointless

The Pointless

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This could have been intentional, Pkest. Don't ask why, but... it kinda makes sense. Why not just piece together a PvP char, ANY PvP char? Once it's unlocked, it's an account-wide unlock, so your PvE character can get to it.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

Hooded Reavers of Eternal Life(Ankh)


Originally Posted by The Pointless
This could have been intentional, Pkest. Don't ask why, but... it kinda makes sense. Why not just piece together a PvP char, ANY PvP char? Once it's unlocked, it's an account-wide unlock, so your PvE character can get to it.
Pve players don't by and large keep an extra slot around for a pvp character. I have 1 slot for each class and I have no intention to buy another especially not to unlock something that I paid for when I bought Nightfall.

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



Actually , yes they do, if its not to pvp with its just to use as a mule and most make a pvp char to use as a mule.

And about that something you paid for, its there , if you dont want to make a pvp char to unlock it then thats your prolem, but you are denying yourself the hero battles, dont complain as if you cant get it when you are the one preventing yourself from it.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

Hooded Reavers of Eternal Life(Ankh)


Actually I'm complaining about a bug that still needs fixing. Wiki says it's a glitch that only affects certain accounts.

And people who play the GAME rather than farm and play the economy all day don't need mules. So I don't agree with your claim that even pve players should have a pvp slot.

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



I didnt say should, i said most do,because you said that most dont.

If it is indeed a bug, i find you saying that you payed for it , is not fair to Anet, who knows maye they are doing all they can to sort it out.Your message to me sounds like, that because you payed for it they are are not allowed to make mistakes.


Wilds Pathfinder

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Hooded Reavers of Eternal Life(Ankh)


Originally Posted by Xenex Xclame
I didnt say should, i said most do,because you said that most dont.

If it is indeed a bug, i find you saying that you payed for it , is not fair to Anet, who knows maye they are doing all they can to sort it out.Your message to me sounds like, that because you payed for it they are are not allowed to make mistakes.
Not at all. I expect and am very patient with bugs. My response that I shouldn't have to pay extra to unlock something advertised as a selling point of Nightfall was in response to The Pointless saying it was supposed to be that way and it was my fault for not having a pvp slot when nothing was ever stated about that being necessary to play hero battles (which after all seem primarily geared at luring pve players into pvp).

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



Ok, understood.

About your last sentence, i dont know if im alone, but for me it seems like Nightfall IS trying to make pve go to pvp.There are so many things that you do in NF that you can use in pvp, even things you do in pvp you end up having to do in NF.Its kind of hard to explain for me and explaining it would be another thread.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006



Well, this sucks. I've been wanting to play Hero Battles ever since I got NightFall. However, after unlocking my first 3 Heroes through PvE there was still no Hero Battle Arena to be seen. I went off to support.guildwars.com and asked, and got a rather dull reply. This was back in November;

Originally Posted by GM Clive
Thank you very much for contacting the Guild Wars Customer Support Team. We always appreciate hearing from our players, and your feedback has been passed on to the developers. The Guild Wars development team is continually making changes to improve the game and looks at your feedback very closely to make this happen.
So I waited. And waited. Yesterday I tried again, still no Hero Battle Arena. So I tried support again. Today I got this answer;

Originally Posted by GM Charles
Thank you very much for contacting the Guild Wars Customer Support Team. We always appreciate hearing from our players. The Guild Wars development team is continually making changes to improve the game and looks at your feedback very closely to make this happen. We are going to further investigate the reported issue, and will provide your feedback along with our own findings to the developers at ArenaNet. In case we require any further information, we will contact you again.
Now, if you ask me both of those replies looks auto-generated, and neither helps me ANY. (They don't even suggest creating a PvP character, which anyway isn't an option for me as I've filled up all my slots with PvE characters which I'm not keen on deleting... )

You ask me this sucks, but it's pretty clear that A-net prefers to fix other stuff than allowing some players access to all content without buying extra slots - which perhaps is what they want.

Both previous messages encouraged me to post on a forum, so I'm doing that now in hopes of them waking up - however from my past dealings with A-net/NC-Soft I have no hope for that. (Their support sucks IMO).


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006



Still haven't got any replies from support. So now I'm gonna bump the ticket every other day till I get something other than a semi automated reply saying they will "look into it" by a nondescript (or autogenerated?) GM Name-me.

If Gaile or any one else would like to chime in here - please do...

Jeff Highwind

Jeff Highwind

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Grenth's Rejects [GR]


You only unlocked 3 heroes? Going on a wild guess here but I think you need to beat Nightfall be capable of unlocking it.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006



Nah I have 6 or 7 heroes unlocked now, and I remember reading someone elses post that had beaten Nightfall and still couldn't unlock the Hero Battle Arena.

What really irritates me is the blatant disregard of this subject apparently going on by A-net. :-/


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Fatally Sikk


beating nf doesn't do it, nor does unlocking all the heros. i've unlocked them all now, including the rit. no luck getting to hero battles. a-net never gave me an answer either. i'm thinking they're just trying to force ppl to buy another slot for a pvp character.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006


Clan Of Elders


I think that most people probably have an extra slot and/or keep a pvp character. Either of those allows you to get around the bug.

And it is reported as a bug. ANet, however, has a lot of bugs to address (as does any game with as many things as GW has to keep track of will) and this is probably just not very high on the to do list. People who don't PVP don't care, and people who do have PVP characters to unlock it with.

I have 20 characters across 2 accounts and they are all full of stuff, so I can't create a PVP character to unlock the HB yet. I actually bought another character slot a day or two ago (it's a sickness I tell you ) so I guess I could unlock it for one of my accounts now. I hope they fix it soon too, but if I really cared, I'd delete a mule and just get it over with. For those without mules to sacrifice, though, I can see where this would be a real pain in the butt.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006



Exactly and support keeps giving me the same inane drivel that I SWEAR is generated by a bot... and randomly signed by "GM bot-a-lot"... :-/

I have nine toons. I'm NOT deleting any of them, and I'm not too keen on buying an extra slot just to get access to something I already should have access to because Anet is to "lazy" to fix this.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007



Originally Posted by gojensen
I have nine toons. I'm NOT deleting any of them, and I'm not too keen on buying an extra slot just to get access to something I already should have access to because Anet is to "lazy" to fix this.
Actually, I recently deleted a low lvl char just to try the unlocking thing.
-> So far no success, I must be doing something wrong...

Just fix this A-net!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007



Update: the unlocking via a pvp char does NOT work...
My pvp char is parked in HB, when I take a different char: HB is not on the map...



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Black Widows of Death


Getting There
Map travel to The Battle Isles (Great Temple of Balthazar) from Tyria, Elona or Cantha.
To access Hero Battles you must unlock at least three Heroes onto your account. If you haven’t already unlocked the first three Heroes, just complete Zaishen Basic Training with a PvP character, then talk to the Priest of Balthazar, who will give you free unlocks.
Once unlocked this way, you can map travel to the Hero Battles at any time.
You must have Nightfall, or you cannot unlock any Heroes.

This is what old wiki states



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Black Widows of Death


I checked when I got home last night (I have all heroes Unlocked) I do have access to the Hero Battle Arena (I have NEVER made a PVP character)

Edit-I have done some Zaishen basic and Zaishen Challenge.



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My fiancee has been having problems getting to HB even though all her characters have three heroes unlocked, but I don't think she's done Zaishen basic yet. I'll have her try it.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007



Hi again,

I had some success: I made a pvp char, did the Zaishen Training, parked him in HB.
After this, I selected a different char (did not have the option to use the shortcut button to go to HB (H-screen)) brought him to The Great Temple of Balthazar (still no HB on map) and made him speak to a Priest.

Result: HB appeared on the map! (no unlock-pop-up)
I did this with all my lvl20's and they now all seem to have access to HB, even with the shortcut.
It is not enough to have 3 heroes unlocked on your account; my lower lvl chars are unable to go to HB with this method. Maybe they individually have to have 3 heroes to be able to go there?