Need advice on buying the new chapters


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006



I know I am leaving myself open for criticism but I wanted to hear from you guys anyway.

I got Prophecies for as a gift and I have played almost a year now. I have gotten bored with GW twice now. It's no secret from some of my previous posts that I don't like the fact that anet can just pull the plug on my account. I'm not in fear of getting banned because I have not committed any banable offenses. I just don't like the fact that they can ban me. It this reasons I have not bought Factions or NF. I don't want to pay for a product that someone can prevent me from using at their will.

I DID SAY, I am not in fear of getting my account banned and I don't plan to break the rules so don't even respond with any comments pertaining to this.

Here is where I ask for your advice. Am I being to stubborn? Are the other chapters worth it? Am I missing out?

Perhaps now that there are 3 chapters Anet will put together a collector box set. That would go a long way to swaying my decision to purchasing the other chapters.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006




What are you talking about?

Ulivious The Reaper

Ulivious The Reaper

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

The Shadowed Assassins


you know, you can get banned from life right now, all it'd take is a car accident, now you going to be afraid of life? okay okay, thats probably mean of me to say but i HONESTLY think you're just being a bit stubborn, get the capters, enjoy them, don't fear the overall power of Anet!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


You aren't going to be banned if you just play and enjoy the game. The only way to get banned is to intentionally and maliciously misbehave... like farming for profit (selling gold on ebay), using 4-letter language in chats, asking people for their social security numbers, etc.

They aren't going to arbitrarily ban you.

I've read that some accounts get semi-accidentally banned "unfairly" because they deliberately run tried-and-true farming builds and use the same tactics used by "online gold" retailers for "honest" means.

Also, they only perma-ban you after a number of offenses (or a single, obviously egregious one). Before then, you get "warning bans" that span a few days.

Being afraid of getting banned from Guild Wars is like being afraid that you are going to be arrested for grand theft auto...

...well, if you don't steal any cars, you have nothing to worry about.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2006

Iowa, USA


The truth, you can get banned for ANY reason from most online services, including Guru. If you read the EUA for any online service, and even many "off-line" software, there is usually a clause statting they can change the rules w/o prior notice, ban your account, or revoke your right to use the software for any reason they see fit. Most people dont see this because...well...who actually reads the ENTIRE EUA?

But just because the CAN does not mean the WILL. A company that starts banning for no reason is a company out of customers very soon. All I'm saying is don't let this standard software clause deter you from a product or service.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


Any online game comes with an EULA that allows them to kick you from the game or kill the game servers. For the most part, offline games are the only games that will be safe (don't get me started on Steam / Half-Life 2).

If you liked original GuildWars. I really would pick up Nightfall. You may want to skip Factions (it's good imho, but not as good as the others).



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006

Guild Of Handicrafted Products [MaSS]


Just buy it, if I don't get banned, u certainly don't get banned. Besides, prophecies is just the beginning. I recommend both chapters, not everyone likes factions that much, but I happen to love it (U have alliance battles in Factions, the only casual PvP environment in the entire game, the rest is to l33t for most). Nightfall is a bit harder then the other two episodes but the scenery is to sink your teeth in, and the missions/quests are the best in all 3 episodes.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006



Thank you all. I think I will make the purchases. I think all I needed was someone to tell me to stop being silly.


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



Stop being silly. Your ISP can kick you for TOS violations, Guru, your online email service, etc. It's the digital age and when you agree to a TOS/EULA, most of the time you are agreeing to allow them to kick/ban you if you can't behave.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


The Eyes of Ashtabula [Eyes]

I'd say Nightfall is worth it. Factions was good for me because it gives me a quick way to round up a few plat, a few dozen commendations and let me cash in for ID kits (100ch) and Improved Salvage kits. Not to mention bags and cheap runes of holding.

Essentially, I use Factions to backfill my real characters

It does have its merits however.

As to your original question, yeah, you're being silly about it. Check out pretty much any and all online agreements and there's a clause in there that says they can change the EULA at any time without notifying you, and they can boot you just because they feel like it. *shrug*



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

The Underworld

Leader of Grenth Gaming Inc [GG]


You're a confusing guy but I have to say buying NF is going to re instill your faith into GW. It owns factions, it owns prophecies and it owns Teletubbies Online......



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Q&A section

Unique Warriors [UnWr]

The fact that accounts are bannable should cause you to rush to the shop even quicker, in my opinion. It ensures that you can enjoy the game without some "1337-kiddies" spoiling it by showing the world how cool he is by throwing about various four letter words and references to someone's sexual preferences.
You really don't have anything to worry about unless you yourself are a total arse, which I'm sure you aren't

anyway this has been said so often now so I'll go on to the recommendations: If you plan on only buying one, buy Nightfall, the artwork is to die for and the whole hero system is just ace..
