Ancient AI problem
I just noticed this little annoyment STILL hasn't been fixed. Since the dawn of GW, heroes have not been able to follow calls while you are dead. They just attack aimlessly. This often means they will go for a tank, when a monk is alive, or attack the highest HP monsters first, when they could have killed another.
So please ANet, for the love of god, allow us to actually have some control over our henchies/heroes' target while we are dead. It is an update long overdue.
So please ANet, for the love of god, allow us to actually have some control over our henchies/heroes' target while we are dead. It is an update long overdue.
I love this ! tank and 3 healers and what do the henchies go after: the tank. It sure does need fixing.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Naw, it actually makes sense. Dead people cant talk, much less give commands.
Angel Netherborn
The problem with this... is that my Koss and Melonni usually targets the healers and spellcasters first instead of the melee enemies... or is it just me?
Originally Posted by danakin
Naw, it actually makes sense. Dead people cant talk, much less give commands.
Yes, it's annoying when the henchies choose to rez mhenlo over me just because he has renew life...only to get slaughtered by some noob mob because they're all attacking different targets. gg renew life didn't even cast it
Originally Posted by danakin
Naw, it actually makes sense. Dead people cant talk, much less give commands.
True, a dead leader giving commands to his henchies does not make sense. But neither does being able to magically ressurect and teleport people. It's just practical. And that should be all that matters in these cases.
so you're saying you can't click the little "lock on target" icon on your heroes when you're dead? Funny, I don't recall having that problem, maybe I locked their targets before I died.
Samuel Anders
The "improved" enemy AI makes the henchmen utterly useless, anyway. Half the time mobs scatter and run to other groups and Little Thom and Stefan follow them and get slaughtered. They stand in poisonous water in the swamps, and Alesia has a nasty habit of rezzing people at the worst possible times. (Like when the tanks are about to die and need heals.) Orion has a terrible habit of getting owned in the first 3 seconds of battle, and Claude routinely kills himself by casting Ritual of Blood on other people when he's low on health.
It's utterly infuriating, especially since Prophecies lacks players to allow most people to efficiently form groups.
It's utterly infuriating, especially since Prophecies lacks players to allow most people to efficiently form groups.
Originally Posted by Samuel Anders
The "improved" enemy AI makes the henchmen utterly useless, anyway. Half the time mobs scatter and run to other groups and Little Thom and Stefan follow them and get slaughtered. They stand in poisonous water in the swamps, and Alesia has a nasty habit of rezzing people at the worst possible times. (Like when the tanks are about to die and need heals.) Orion has a terrible habit of getting owned in the first 3 seconds of battle, and Claude routinely kills himself by casting Ritual of Blood on other people when he's low on health.
It's utterly infuriating, especially since Prophecies lacks players to allow most people to efficiently form groups. |
To the OP I click on who I want them to attack and it works everytime (yes when i am dead). it does take longer to get rezzed i have noticed but i still do pretty well over all.
~the rezzed Rat~
Crystal Avalon
Actually, I think it is possible to control the henchmen somewhat if you're dead. With the new campaign out, there are now little flags that you can put up for your henchmen/heroes to refer to as home. And, to attack, just call out the target, as usual, and they should attack. This isn't to say they'll attack well, but they'll move to and attack the target and, hopefully, resurrect you while they're at it.
Originally Posted by Clawdius_Talonious
so you're saying you can't click the little "lock on target" icon on your heroes when you're dead? Funny, I don't recall having that problem, maybe I locked their targets before I died.
I have to agree with this aswell, while you do maintain a small amount of control over heroes when dead, I do think it is necessary to have the ability to 'call' targets when dead for your henchies. Maybe even to have their AI improved to attack healers healers in a mob unless told to do otherwise.
Alt F Four
Originally Posted by danakin
Naw, it actually makes sense. Dead people cant talk, much less give commands.