Superior vigor rune dropped down to 22K?
I'm just curious but what caused this to happened? The rune was about 10k more 2 weeks ago. I'm guessing users are selling their runes to make money for their heroes? What do you guys think?
Feminist Terrorist
Fantastic! I've been watching it drop for the past few days.
I think this is price control by Anet.
The demand for sup vigors has gone up now that we have Heroes. I need at least 14 sup vigors for each of my characters, and I haven't seen a sup vigor drop in months.
Although maybe this is a sign that more people are rune farming to get insignias and other runes while the price is still high, and many people haven't gotten around to buying sup vigors for their Heroes yet.
The demand for sup vigors has gone up now that we have Heroes. I need at least 14 sup vigors for each of my characters, and I haven't seen a sup vigor drop in months.
Although maybe this is a sign that more people are rune farming to get insignias and other runes while the price is still high, and many people haven't gotten around to buying sup vigors for their Heroes yet.
Might be due to the fact you can now get +50 health using a Major Vigor and a rune of Vitae.. I like the fact that I can opt for that instead of a Sup Vigor
I hope it goes even lower...
I hope it goes lower..
oh wait, i just found one -.-
oh wait, i just found one -.-
Gen Saver
just bought 2 in case the price goes up again
Typical. Just as I buy a few superior vigors to get my characters PvP ready, at 30-33k each, they introduce better PvP character creation and up the drop rate of superior vigors. But hey, I hope it keeps dropping. I still need a couple.
Maybe no one can afford to buy Sup Vigor cos of heroes and insignias
its all supply and demand though, more people have been buying major and minor vigors as they are so cheap in price and this has lead to a fall in demand for superior vigor, once everyones new chars are at a state of buying 15k armour (i would say a week or 2 before the majority of people plough through the story.) then you will see it shoot back up towards 30k i gaurentee it.
Guildmaster Cain
Im just happy to see the market in GW is working as a real-world market. If you put some time into studying economics and stock-markets, you can get use of that ingame.
I bought 30 minor vigor runes when the price was still 700g... Wish I had more ;P
I bought 30 minor vigor runes when the price was still 700g... Wish I had more ;P
Gun Pierson
Originally Posted by jiggerjay
its all supply and demand though, more people have been buying major and minor vigors as they are so cheap in price and this has lead to a fall in demand for superior vigor, once everyones new chars are at a state of buying 15k armour (i would say a week or 2 before the majority of people plough through the story.) then you will see it shoot back up towards 30k i gaurentee it.
Angel Develin
About time if you ask me,
It should get as low as Superior absorption :P
It should get as low as Superior absorption :P
Originally Posted by Kalki
I think this is price control by Anet.
Originally Posted by Kalki
I think this is price control by Anet.
Increased supply is the most probable explanation.
I think the majority of players are still too poor to afford a sup vigor for each of their 6 or more main characters. So the influx of potentially a dozen heroes per main character is not relevant when most players wouldn't buy a sup vig for themselfes in the first place. Wealthy oldtimers would definitely buy a sup vigor for any new char slot, so demand should increase. A more relevant money sink in that respect would probably be the array of new skills to be bought/ capped for each character, depleting cash reserves fast and being more important then a few hitpoints for a hero...
The third comment I find more intriguing - anyone else having experienced problems to sell a minor vigor? If this is broken that might be a reason why prices stay so high (but extreme demand for minors should do that anyway, yes)
The Silver Star
I currently have 14 Superior Vigors for personnal use which i have had since they were 100k a pop, however i found them the drop in them doesnt effect me but that doesnt stop me from being somewhat dissappointed because purely there worth less, same with my ecto and shards :/
Price dropping is a good things (and there still one of the most costly runes).
I also think that anet altered drop rates to compensate for the influx of needing to equip heroes.... many times over.
I also think that anet altered drop rates to compensate for the influx of needing to equip heroes.... many times over.
Kais Unduli
Let the price continue to drop. The price for superior vigor and absorption runes should never have reached so high in the first place.
Originally Posted by lg5000
Might be due to the fact you can now get +50 health using a Major Vigor and a rune of Vitae.. I like the fact that I can opt for that instead of a Sup Vigor
Originally Posted by Kalki
The demand for sup vigors has gone up now that we have Heroes. I need at least 14 sup vigors for each of my characters, and I haven't seen a sup vigor drop in months. |
Low prices are good for everybody, except for the ettin farmers.
Low prices are good for everybody, except for the ettin farmers.
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by Kalki
I think this is price control by Anet.
The demand for sup vigors has gone up now that we have Heroes. I need at least 14 sup vigors for each of my characters, and I haven't seen a sup vigor drop in months. Although maybe this is a sign that more people are rune farming to get insignias and other runes while the price is still high, and many people haven't gotten around to buying sup vigors for their Heroes yet. |
This is orginally why Major and Minors went up as Sup prices remained steady and even fell during the first weekend.
Now that the "Nightfall just came out" market rush is ending, all the rich people and farmers that stocked up on Sup Vigors before Nightfall hoping for a quick buck on release because of inflation are dumping their vigors into the trader before the price goes even lower - which is ironically a good thing since it IS pushing the price even lower.
I on the other hand,I was smart and got a small supply of MAJOR vigors ready for selling, and I made about a 1.5k EACH profit off them at the trader in the first week.
A-Net added some price control and a LOT of almost permanent supply to the traders last week. Overnight, the trader went from being out of supply of many runes, and most insignias, to having supply of everything. (If this were simply supply and demand, it wouldn't have all happened simultaneously overnight, it would have happened gradually, and at different rates for each rune and insignia).
Theus makes sense.
With the addition of the Vitae runes,players only require 1 Vitae and 1 Major rune to obtain the 50(51) Health bonus.Since most casters such as the Elementalist for example,Uusually only uses 2 or 3 different attributes.
The Elementalist uses a Elemental Headpiece with a Rune of Superior <Insert element here>,and a minor Energy Storage rune on lets say his gloves.What does he have left?
Chest,pants,and Legs.Now,in common sense,what would you do in this situation?
A)Buy a Superior Vigor for your Chest Piece.
B)Buy a Major Vigor with a Vitae Rune.
With A,you're wasting a ton of gold just to have the convience of say,an addtional 4 energy(If the Elementalist uses 2 Attunement runes on his remaining armor.
With B,You're saving a large sum of gold,for the exact same thing. 51 Health.Yes,they could buy a Superior and then a Vitea,but Why would pay an upwards of 10-15k gold just for an additonal 10 HP?
In short,the addition of Vitae runes are affecting the prices of Superior Vigor.
At least,thats my take on it.
With the addition of the Vitae runes,players only require 1 Vitae and 1 Major rune to obtain the 50(51) Health bonus.Since most casters such as the Elementalist for example,Uusually only uses 2 or 3 different attributes.
The Elementalist uses a Elemental Headpiece with a Rune of Superior <Insert element here>,and a minor Energy Storage rune on lets say his gloves.What does he have left?
Chest,pants,and Legs.Now,in common sense,what would you do in this situation?
A)Buy a Superior Vigor for your Chest Piece.
B)Buy a Major Vigor with a Vitae Rune.
With A,you're wasting a ton of gold just to have the convience of say,an addtional 4 energy(If the Elementalist uses 2 Attunement runes on his remaining armor.
With B,You're saving a large sum of gold,for the exact same thing. 51 Health.Yes,they could buy a Superior and then a Vitea,but Why would pay an upwards of 10-15k gold just for an additonal 10 HP?
In short,the addition of Vitae runes are affecting the prices of Superior Vigor.
At least,thats my take on it.
well, superior vigor rune was 10 times the price of a major vigor rune, yet people still buy superior vigors even though they only have 9 extra HP. yes the difference is small, but that doesn't stop people from buying.
I think the main reason why superior vigor is dropping in price is the new pvp system. the only reason people want to buy superior vigor for their pve is to be perfect in pvp. With the new pvp/rune/insignia system, there is no way anybody can make their pve more or equally effective as the pvp. So they simply gave up on making the pve characters perfect. at least I gave up. im happy with doing pve on a major vigor rune.
I think the main reason why superior vigor is dropping in price is the new pvp system. the only reason people want to buy superior vigor for their pve is to be perfect in pvp. With the new pvp/rune/insignia system, there is no way anybody can make their pve more or equally effective as the pvp. So they simply gave up on making the pve characters perfect. at least I gave up. im happy with doing pve on a major vigor rune.
I perfectly fine with 3-5k for a Major Vigour. I'm a PvE player so 9 life isnt worth the 15k-20k for me............
i hope they plumit to the price of sup abs!! muahaha
Phoenix Ex
Originally Posted by DeathandtheHealing
i hope they plumit to the price of sup abs!! muahaha
the fact that you can use majors has always been there. hence why there is 3 different varying levels of runes each with their own benefits/drawbacks.
Most of the reason is that with the new salvage options, titles, etc.. that affect this, you now are almost gaurenteed to be able to salvage your sup vigor out of your armor without destroying it. hence no reason to have to go to the trader and buy a new one. with people cashing in sup vigors for cash after a drop or farming, since not as many are having to replace the ones they lost to salvage, well now the price drops.
also a lot of pvp only players that made pve chars because they were better for pvp than a pve only char was, now a lot of them use pvp only chars so they dont have to play through pve. so there is also an influx, although be it a small one, of a few sup vigors there.
QFT. it always seems there is a new thread bitching about something lately and it is getting to a disgusting point. either its OMG I DIDNT GET RICH OFF THE DOUBLE DROP WEEKEND, or nerf this items because i cant afford to buy it, or that guy has a crystaline or chaos axe, i demand i get one now... Aparently when people see free online play, they think everything in the game should be given to them free...
Most of the reason is that with the new salvage options, titles, etc.. that affect this, you now are almost gaurenteed to be able to salvage your sup vigor out of your armor without destroying it. hence no reason to have to go to the trader and buy a new one. with people cashing in sup vigors for cash after a drop or farming, since not as many are having to replace the ones they lost to salvage, well now the price drops.
also a lot of pvp only players that made pve chars because they were better for pvp than a pve only char was, now a lot of them use pvp only chars so they dont have to play through pve. so there is also an influx, although be it a small one, of a few sup vigors there.
Originally Posted by Phoenix Ex
This game has to have the most lazy/jealous/cheap people on Earth...