Nightfall is just full of sandy sand.
Don't take me wrong, I love Nightfall, but it's just to much sand/desert areas... I'm getting sand in my eyes.
Velvet Wing
then try wearing some sunglasses.. nightfall has a nice variety or different scenery, you just have to progress trough the game to reach them

Sophitia Leafblade
Well there is more type of enviroment the further u get but ignoring that isnt Sand much betta than the annoying city scapes of Kaineng?
Well, i have roughly 50% of the map. I miss the the snow, always loved snowy areas in games
Velvet Wing
Originally Posted by eriktheman
Well, i have roughly 50% of the map. I miss the the snow, always loved snowy areas in games
that is basically the same, just a different colour

Don't get me wrong, I too am a big fan of the droks area--> The snow, the music, the sounds..
but since you seem to have both proph and nightfall, switching scenery shouldn't be to hard ^^
[skill=card]Sight Beyond Sight[/skill]
Originally Posted by eriktheman
Don't take me wrong, I love Nightfall, but it's just to much sand/desert areas... I'm getting sand in my eyes.
Former Ruling
And Cantha has too much Asian themed area >_>
Before you bought the game you had more than enough documentation that told you that Elona was a Dry Desert nation. Anyway, only 2 of the 5 main "areas" of the game are Desert >_>. Istan is more of a swampy boggy region more than anything else. Kourna is Desert-like but has plains too. Vabbi is pretty much desert. The Desolation and Realm of Torment don't have any desert at all.
Before you bought the game you had more than enough documentation that told you that Elona was a Dry Desert nation. Anyway, only 2 of the 5 main "areas" of the game are Desert >_>. Istan is more of a swampy boggy region more than anything else. Kourna is Desert-like but has plains too. Vabbi is pretty much desert. The Desolation and Realm of Torment don't have any desert at all.
Velvet Wing
Originally Posted by Skuld
[skill=card]Sight Beyond Sight[/skill]
Sorted. |
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
And Cantha has too much Asian themed area >_>
Before you bought the game you had more than enough documentation that told you that Elona was a Dry Desert nation. Anyway, only 2 of the 5 main "areas" of the game are Desert >_>. Istan is more of a swampy boggy region more than anything else. Kourna is Desert-like but has plains too. Vabbi is pretty much desert. The Desolation and Realm of Torment don't have any desert at all. |
Not meaning to be controversial but I almost prefer the cityscape of cantha to elona. The "civilised" areas and areas "without heket" in Vabbi are nice, as is Arkjok Ward...I feel more at home in Kaineng though. I'm not saying a lot of Elona isn't pretty, because it is... That's just my preference.
Oh a GW forum
You obviously haven't reached the gates of torment on onward. Coolest area in the game.
The Desolation does have desert, that sulfur area? Yeah that's it. It also has rocky areas too. Vabbi is the best place for you then man, because it's green and the landscapes and buildings are beautiful, sure it's mostly desert in some places, you just have to find the right ones.
As for snow, you're in a desert climate typed area so don't expect much of that.
As for snow, you're in a desert climate typed area so don't expect much of that.
I miss the snow too, but it wouldn't seem right in a theme based on North Africa.
At least its better than endless seas of jade/forests of stone.
At least its better than endless seas of jade/forests of stone.
We all know some Anet designer just has a knack for totally destroyed places uninhabitable by man. (as well as hostile places in general)
The Areas so far
Pre-Seering (where are you now?)
Destroyed Ascalon
Hostile Shiverpeaks
Religiously Poisoned Kryta
A Hostile Jungle
A Desert not suitable for permanent human settlement
A volcanic island.
Then we miracously enter Shing Jea totally intact. Sure danger is looming but it's actually a nice place.
Before we enter a city full of slums and poverty
and a pertified forest
not to speak of the Jade Sea (which is technically very inhabitable)
Now we have some shrublands, which is ok I guess
Kourna and its brownish desert look
vabbi with its yellowish desert look. Not even the Elona river seems to be able to spend Vabbi's beaches some green
Then we head out to the desolation
and other lands of total ruin.
The score so far:
Places I'd like to visit in person: 4 (acounting for a ski retreat and an all inclusice beach resort to make me forget the desert and the people [exactly the way Europeans envision Africa])
Real hostile Places: 12
Maybe it is just hard to connect to things when you think: "Dude, your place is screwed, even if I kill all the monsters."
The Areas so far
Pre-Seering (where are you now?)
Destroyed Ascalon
Hostile Shiverpeaks
Religiously Poisoned Kryta
A Hostile Jungle
A Desert not suitable for permanent human settlement
A volcanic island.
Then we miracously enter Shing Jea totally intact. Sure danger is looming but it's actually a nice place.
Before we enter a city full of slums and poverty
and a pertified forest
not to speak of the Jade Sea (which is technically very inhabitable)
Now we have some shrublands, which is ok I guess
Kourna and its brownish desert look
vabbi with its yellowish desert look. Not even the Elona river seems to be able to spend Vabbi's beaches some green
Then we head out to the desolation
and other lands of total ruin.
The score so far:
Places I'd like to visit in person: 4 (acounting for a ski retreat and an all inclusice beach resort to make me forget the desert and the people [exactly the way Europeans envision Africa])
Real hostile Places: 12
Maybe it is just hard to connect to things when you think: "Dude, your place is screwed, even if I kill all the monsters."
Sand is better than getting Demon's Semen in your eyes once you hit the Realm of Torment.