Planning to buy one GW. Which one?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006


I'm going to be new to Guildwars starting today, but there are 3 products to choose from (I'm only going to buy one). I'm a complete Newb and know nothing. Which of the three should I buy?

Just a little background, I've been playing WOW for 2 years now, and need something else for a little variety and spice. I love both PVP and PVE in WOW, so figure Guildwars is a good fit.

Anyways, if you have suggestions on which to buy as a standalone, that would be great. (e.g. the natural impulse would be to buy the latest and greatest, but I'm worried I'll be "missing out" on a lot).

Thanks in advance,




Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006



You won't be missing nothing out in Factions, besides the new classes. Prophecies is old news and hard to get groups a lot of the time. I'd go for Nightfall as that's where you will encounter the most people. It also has a pretty big PvE area. But if for another other reason then to not be "alone," get Nightfall. The majority of folks are there and you get all the Prophecies classes.

One tip, don't impulse buy on armor, only get what you have to, and you will make more money than you lose over time. Don't expect an huge PvE world like in WoW. Also expect a better PvP.

Shadowspawn X

Shadowspawn X

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

Fellowship of Champions


Get NightFall , after you get in a guild and meet some people, go back and do Phophesis with vets from your guild it will be quicker, then you will be up to date. Save Factions for last.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006

Screwston, Tejas



Nightfall, it's a good introduction to the series, and gold is a lot easier to aquire than it is in other chapters.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

3 votes Nightfall, no votes any of the others.


Thanks guys.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Ice Tooth Cave

Opt and Niho Private Chat [lulz]


Prophecies: Solid campaign, but it's slow to get you into the real action and there aren't as many players. Many exclusive skills are still the backbone of a lot of PvP builds.
Factions: Don't let Factions be your first campaign for PvE. Might be worth it of you're planning on being a near-exclusive PvP player.
Nightfall: Probably your best choice. Heroes, large player base for getting through PvE, new classes, and the freshest set of skills for PvP.


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



Also, if you are interested in serious PvP, you will eventually need at least the unlock "PvP editions" of chapters 1 and 2. You'll be hard-pressed to build a competitive bar with only core and Nightfall skills.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Sunset City

Ark Royal [ARK]


I gotta say prophecies. The idea that it's hard to get a group there is a little exxagerated.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

I just started also, last week and posted a similar question. I started with Nightfall, got to level 8 and realized, after reading more posts, that I'd eventually need Prophecies also. I went out and bought Prophecies Game of Year Edition (only $40 now) and the $5 pre-Nightfall release disc for the extra character slot/bonus items, heck $5 is less than a beer in a bar, no biggie.

Prophecies pre-searing graphics are fantastic, make sure you turn the graphics slider up all the way under Menu/Options etc. Also, read the Wiki and make sure you hit everything under the pre-searing checklist, I didn't and hit post too soon, can't turn back now (unless I delete and start over).

Without help I'm at level 8, and marching in about 16 hours of game play. Took about 10 to get that far in Nightfall. (Total noob). I'm going to finish Proph, then decide which is next, Nightfall looks likely as Factions gets bad reviews.



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Q&A section

Unique Warriors [UnWr]

The irony is taht while NF has a larger player base (currently), it is also the one where soloing is easiest (heroes)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

I still prefer Prophecies myself, and think it is the best. And if I make a new character it will be in Prophecies, if only for wonderful pre-searing. That place is beautiful and has a strange innocent glow.

However for a new player I would agree with what most people have said. Buy Nightfall just because that's where all the players are. They're playing by themselves... but they're there.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Nightfall was purchased, thanks to your suggestions!

It is now loaded. It has been updated. It is ready to be played.

After I hit the "submit reply" button below, I will delve into it for the first time.

See you in game!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Brotherhood of Havoc


proph > nightfall > factions

granted i think that you can get to lvl 20 fastest in factions



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


Well if your only going to buy ONE... You may want to hold out for GW Epic... which is the proposed 3 chapter DVD bundle.. IDK. I got a thing about it on my CE of nightfall dvd, but can find no other data on it... So if this happens I think it will be the best deal on the horizon for a completly new player...



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

prophesies version was what really made people into gw (including myself). i know there are still quite a lot of people there, just that most of them know what to do. you will probably have hard time fitting in missions.

factions so far had the best looking characters and armors (well at least in my taste), but gameplay wasn't too good. not what we expected.

nightfall is the best version of gw as of yet. many things are changed. even people who have been playing gw for last one and half years got confused on first couple of days.

if you really want to buy one, i recommend nightfall. spending time and money on prophesies isn't bad though.