Hey i have questions on the upgrading items. i just recently bid and won on a staff wraping item can you stack them? And if so how many can you stack? or is it a one time deal? if its just a one time deal then i wont buy any more and ill be more careful on which ones ill buy. Thanks for the information
The Pointless
What type of stacking? The stacking of bonuses or the stacking of the same upgrades in a single inventory slot, like materials?
If inventory stacking then no, they can't stack. As for bonuses, unless it says "non-stacking", then...
If inventory stacking then no, they can't stack. As for bonuses, unless it says "non-stacking", then...
Mournblade has complete information on what upgrades you can put on your weapons, but in a nutshell - your staff can only have one wrapping on it at a time. You can overwrite it with a new wrapping anytime you like, but it will destroy the old one. (You can risk expert-salvaging the mod off, but at the risk of destroying the staff)
Hope that helps...
Hope that helps...
Knightsaber Sith
If you're saying what I think you're saying; you can only have one staff wrapping on each staff- but you can also get a staff head.
it helps alot thank you guys