question on req. and damage

Striker IV

Striker IV

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006


ok , setup: ascalon shortbow (15-28 , req 9 marksmanship)
from collector in desert.

if i have the req 9 , and i switch to a similar bow, but with a lower req ( pie in the sky.. say 7 )
Will i do more damage?

Thats why some bows are more valuable than others, right?
base value im thinking about.
if i find some , ill throw in some examples in a reply.

thanks for anyones help.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Requirement has no effect on how much dmg you do.

How much dmg you do is determined by if you MEET the requirement of the weapon, and your rank in that weapon attribute.

Lower requirement is only worth more for vanity reasons...Saying "I have a req8 [whatver]" just makes you seem cooler than "I have a Req9 [whatever]"

Same thing with 15k armor having the same stats as 1.5k armor..


Join Date: Dec 2005




Req 7 and 8 's are "better", or at least more "versatile". It allows you to drop your weapon attribute a few notches ( for instance for farming ) and still use your maximum damage. Other than that, no difference in damage, or what ever.

Striker IV

Striker IV

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006


thx, guess i can save my money then , ( untill i find that perfect 20k bow



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

If you don't meet the weapon's requirement, you deal damage with it as if it were a starter weapon, like 3-5.

If you meet the requirement and your attribute is 12 you deal the listed damage, 15-28 in this case.

If you meet the requirement and your attribute is less than 12 you deal less damage.

If you meet the requirement and your attribute is over 12 you do more damage.

You also have greater chances of scoring a critical hit the closer you get your attribute to 16.