Hi folks! I'm a complete newbie in regards to Guildwars, and thought I'd solicit some advice. I've got an end-game account in EQ, and also a level 60 in WoW, so I'm not a complete stranger to MMORPGs--so I understand how complex these things can get! I don't want to try to research each and every class/combination out there before playing around some, so I'm really hoping you guys can help me narrow it down.
Basically, my question is this: What class and profession combination is best suited to soloing, and yet will still be desireable in guilds or raids at a later date if I choose to invest the time?
I'm a little limited in my time due to running raids for my EQ guild, so I want to be able to log in and just solo to relax. If I really enjoy things (it's a great looking game!), then I may start playing more, so I'd like to have the option to be useful to a good guild.
Thanks so much to those of you who reply and help me narrow my research!