Interested player witha few questions!!! plz
Hey guys how u doing....recently ive been play world of warcraft, wc3, BF2142 and i decided to quit wow b/c i got to the point were i had everything i wanted....and im looking to get into a new mmorpg and my searches lead me i have a few questions b4 i start playing....OK first question is will this game take over my life like WoW did? ......i noticed there were 3 versions of this gmae.....GW...GW nightfall....etc.....are these expansions? if not which should i buy to start playing? there alot of things to do in this game? i noticed when playing wow i got to a point were everything was sooooo repititive....Are there vehicles? or Horses/mounts.....are there dungeons that give armor or is armor mainly crafted? and is it like a certain best set for each class like warriors...or are there all diferent set's that u need to work to get and upgrade? is it an easy game to understand and quickly get into or will i spend hours figuring it out? and is it setup with different servers? or does everyone play on one? ......thx for ur help.....will be looking forward to playing with you guys
Unlike WoW, it doesn't matter which server you register to. There are 5, American, European, Korean, Taiwan, & Japan. People from these servers can still play together in international dists. Unlike WoW where an alliance character on silvermoon will never see alliance character on Echo Isle.
I don't see this game taking over your life unless you want it too. There's no grind to lvl60, the max lvl is 20 easy to get to in 6hr or a few days.
No vehicles or mounts, but the good thing is that you can map travel and it won't cost you anything. No more 1-2 silver birdy rides from IronForge to wherever.
Most armor is crafted, the only requirement is that you have the location of the crafter, the material, and gold. There are some armor that collectors will give you in exchange for collector items. There is no best set per say. The max base AL for warrior is 80 and different sets will give you different bonuses(some more armor, some more hp, some more energy/mana, etc). Nightfall armor has added insignia so you can customize your armor. The only requirement on armor is that you can only wear your primary classes armor. You don't have to reach a certain lvl to wear the max AL armor. Weapons don't bind on equip or pickup, so you caster can pick up that rare axe and give it to your warrior via storage, which is shared by everyone. There is no postal service.
The game is easier to understand when it comes to quests. If you pull up the map, it will even tell you where you need to go for the selected quest.
All three chapters were intended to be stand alone games (that's what Anet says) You do not need to buy the original to play the others and I suggest starting with Nightfall. It's the newest one, most people are on it, and it has a good chunk of quests missions for low level character to develop in.
Hope this doesn't scare you off.
If you would like, I can send you a trial key for you to try before buying.
I don't see this game taking over your life unless you want it too. There's no grind to lvl60, the max lvl is 20 easy to get to in 6hr or a few days.
No vehicles or mounts, but the good thing is that you can map travel and it won't cost you anything. No more 1-2 silver birdy rides from IronForge to wherever.
Most armor is crafted, the only requirement is that you have the location of the crafter, the material, and gold. There are some armor that collectors will give you in exchange for collector items. There is no best set per say. The max base AL for warrior is 80 and different sets will give you different bonuses(some more armor, some more hp, some more energy/mana, etc). Nightfall armor has added insignia so you can customize your armor. The only requirement on armor is that you can only wear your primary classes armor. You don't have to reach a certain lvl to wear the max AL armor. Weapons don't bind on equip or pickup, so you caster can pick up that rare axe and give it to your warrior via storage, which is shared by everyone. There is no postal service.
The game is easier to understand when it comes to quests. If you pull up the map, it will even tell you where you need to go for the selected quest.
All three chapters were intended to be stand alone games (that's what Anet says) You do not need to buy the original to play the others and I suggest starting with Nightfall. It's the newest one, most people are on it, and it has a good chunk of quests missions for low level character to develop in.
Hope this doesn't scare you off.

Originally Posted by Crackerjackcs420
my first question is will this game take over my life like WoW did? ......i noticed there were 3 versions of this gmae.....GW...GW nightfall....etc.....are these expansions?
Which should i buy to start playing? |
Quote: there alot of things to do in this game? |
Are there vehicles? or Horses/mounts |
are there dungeons that give armor or is armor mainly crafted? |
and is it like a certain best set for each class like warriors...or are there all diferent set's that u need to work to get and upgrade? |
is it an easy game to understand and quickly get into or will i spend hours figuring it out? |
and is it setup with different servers? or does everyone play on one? ......thx for ur help.....will be looking forward to playing with you guys |
Originally Posted by Crackerjackcs420
will this game take over my life like WoW did?
Originally Posted by Crackerjackcs420
i noticed there were 3 versions of this gmae.....GW...GW nightfall....etc.....are these expansions? if not which should i buy to start playing?
Originally Posted by Crackerjackcs420
is there alot of things to do in this game? i noticed when playing wow i got to a point were everything was sooooo repititive.
Originally Posted by Crackerjackcs420
Are there vehicles? or Horses/mounts.
Originally Posted by Crackerjackcs420
are there dungeons that give armor or is armor mainly crafted? and is it like a certain best set for each class like warriors...or are there all diferent set's that u need to work to get and upgrade?
There is no "best" armor, either. With the addition of "insignia" with Nightfall, you can have a variety of different effects on your armor, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In PvP, there are "staple" armor sets that most people use, but no one armor type is inherently "better" than another. Maximum-level armor is also easy to get, appearing fairly early in Factions and Nightfall, and appearing in Prophecies when you first begin to really need it.
Originally Posted by Crackerjackcs420
is it an easy game to understand and quickly get into or will i spend hours figuring it out?
Also, there are rarely any confusing quests or missions. Every quest tells you exactly what you have to do and, most of the time, where you have to go to do it. It'll put a big arrow in the direction of your goal, and a little "starburst" once you see your goal yourself.
Originally Posted by Crackerjackcs420
and is it setup with different servers? or does everyone play on one?
Now here's some other info you may like to know.
Guild Wars is heavily instanced. Since you've played WoW, you know what an instance is. It's an area only you and your party can be in; you will see no other human players. ALL combat areas, be they PvE or PvP, are instanced in GW. This prevents spawn camping and other unfavorable things that are rampant in other MMOs. (ArenaNet calls Guild Wars a "CORPG" as opposed to an "MMORPG," but I consider it massively multiplayer, and online, so I refer to it as an MMO.)
There is no "uber-gear" for PvE or PvP, so you don't have to worry about "twinkers" as much as in WoW. In lower-level Arenas, you can find people with high-level gear, but once you get to higher-level areas, you're on the same footing. You can create a PvP-only character and have access to the best equipment in the game, which, as I said, is easy to come by anyway. The only things that cost a lot are there for cosmetic purposes. There is armor that costs 15k apiece (as opposed to 1.5k), but they have the same stats. There is other armor that will run you into the millions in cost, but it still has the same stats as 1.5k armor. The only purpose is vanity.
On the subject of trade, well...GW's is flat-out terrible. There is no Auction House like in WoW, though it's been requested since almost day one. Guild Wars Guru here has become a major trade center for the game, since the game itself doesn't support such a system.
Storage is another issue. It is shared between all the characters on your account, which means you can stick something into storage and have another character of yours pick it up, but space is extremely limited, to 20 item slots and then a slot for up to 250 of each material. Improved storage is another feature that is constantly requested, and it seems the designers are really working to solve the problem.
If you need any more info, feel free to ask. Also, I have an unused Prophecies/Factions 10-hour or 14-day (whichever comes first) trial key, so if you'd like to try it out, I can send it to you.
wow sounds pretty fun guys thx for the answers......and if u guys can gimme a trail cdkey that would be great....i downloaded the war wars client off the website but im not sure which it is ....i think the original....would i be able to Download the others? you can contact me via email [email protected] or AIM....CrackerJackcs420 TY
Originally Posted by Crackerjackcs420
wow sounds pretty fun guys thx for the answers......and if u guys can gimme a trail cdkey that would be great....i downloaded the war wars client off the website but im not sure which it is ....i think the original....would i be able to Download the others? you can contact me via email [email protected] or AIM....CrackerJackcs420 TY