Broken Quest in Nightfall?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005


I believe I have a broken quest problem in Nightfall. I have finished the Misssion in the Cemetary and escorted the Centaur (Zhed Shadowhoof) to Kodonur Xroads and at that point I quit for the night. After joining the game the next day I talked to "Estate Guard Rikesh" about continuing and was told I needed to add the centaur to my party. OK. So I retraced my steps up to and including a quick rerun of the Cemetary mission (after nothing else worked) and still Zhed will not talk to me nor will Rikesh allow me to continue. I have no quests left in my log but the Xroads icon on my map screen is pulsing. Any ideas?

Thank you for any help.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Did you get the reward for that quest? If you did, Zhed is a hero now so you need to add him like you would any other hero in order to get into the Crossroads mission.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005


You were correct. I never thought to check that as a solution. Thank you for your time and quick response!
