08 Nov 2006 at 21:37 - 15
Sorry for an at least partly incoherent post. I was in a rush, but I wanted to post something before running off to class.
Again, skillcaping is nifty xp... so are quests in factions/NF. But what I really want to say is this: Don't be a burden on your party. PvE really isn't that hard, especialy when you know the game fairly well. Don't play through the first time with a survivor, since suprises can kill. But if you're setting up the team so you have a hero monk along just bo coat you in bonds, I think you have a problem.
I've noticed that many PUGs really seem to be playing with a deathwish. I got Legendary Survivor on my mesmer, and I PUGed missions up untill Unwaking Waters in Factions, and Finished Hell's Precipce in Prophecies. There were many times where I'd be the last one left alive, and I either resed everyone and we kept going, or there was no way to res them without being killed, so we resigned. The only reason that situation kept repeating, was that I knew how to kite, and the rest of the PUG apparently did not.
Sure, you can sit there and alt-f4 everytime things get ugly, but it really shouldn't happen a signifigant number of times. If it does, you're really doing something wrong, and need to take a deeper look at just what is going wrong.
Oh, and by the way, can you even PL people to legendary anymore? Isn't dual-farming nerfed?