legendary survivor woes



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

hello all

i need help, i cant seem to get that title i have tried for months but whever i get someone who looks like they might make it somethign happens to em ive tried for months but they all die

1st. err7 death
2nd err7 death
3rd stupidity
4th err7 death
5th arborstone, collective mod ignored everyone else and thru 800 dmg at me with a bunch of spells

with farming gone is the title really worth so much anguish?

and does anyone know if legendary defender of ascalon is account based or only for that char?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

Maguuma Stade

Originally Posted by KillaKarl
and does anyone know if legendary defender of ascalon is account based or only for that char?
Fairly sure it's character based.

Griff Mon

Griff Mon

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

In the Elfen Forests of Washington State

Damage Radius


It is a tough title to get. Lag can get you. I have warrior with the first level survivor. I am working on a dervish now (my third one, the first two died one at lvl 17) and I am determined to make it.

The best way is to use a boatload of scrolls, stay in "safe" areas where you can get experience at lvl 20 and grind, grind, grind. Capping elites is considered a great way to get a big bundle of exp points, and of course the ascension bonus helps a lot.

Play solo as other players who are not friends and/or guildies may tend to respond in a hostile manner to you if you are working on the title. They may go to the extreme of trying to get you killed, or not healing you. It doesn't happen much, but the sight of the Survivor title gets hostile reactions from the occasional person if you are in a PUG.

If you do make Legendary Survivor, at least you can say you don't care if you die anymore.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005


Basically press F12 then Enter every time you go under 50% health.
And don't fight ele bosses


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Originally Posted by Griff Mon
Play solo as other players who are not friends and/or guildies may tend to respond in a hostile manner to you if you are working on the title. They may go to the extreme of trying to get you killed, or not healing you. It doesn't happen much, but the sight of the Survivor title gets hostile reactions from the occasional person if you are in a PUG.
You can say this about any PUG regardless of if you are survivor!



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006



I must say the title is something really sought after because of its difficulty. You will be looked up to by your peers as a sort of pro in PvE



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ashford Abbey

Hey Mallyx [icU]


You won't. A great deal of survivors just farmed and farmed to get the title, caused anguish in their fellow players by rage quitting, ... So no, I do not consider "survivors" as "pros in pve".


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006


I don't very often post, but just had to step in here!

I'm fed up with people slating Legendary Survivors and thinking that everyone is the same. My ranger is at 900k xp after having to restart, died the first time at about 480k xp by getting stuck on a bridge. It is a long and hard journey. I don't ride on other players backs. I work soley with henchies and have only used F12 twice because of freezing or lag.

So please don't tar every survivor with the same brush.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006


Maybe you should keep your survivor title hidden until you max it out?
Rather show them your exploration title or something non-impressive.

I think trying to get the title can make the game a little more exiting tough.Especially when some Ele boss nukes your party and gives you only a second to get out before his minions pound you...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



What class are you playing?

At any rate, except for being the damage guy in UW duos, I don't think farming was a good way to go about getting the title. An err7 can kill you while farming fairly easily, especialy if you're solofarming.

Skillcaps are a great way to get xp. I got my survivor title by capping 125 elites, mostly with henchies and friends. The better you are with henchies/heros, the easier of a time you'll have. I don't trust PUGs very much, but I've never seen one activly try and kill me, and I honestly can't think of a time where I had to ragequit in a PUG. Sure, there were a few times where eveyone wiped but me, but with only a ressig, what good could have come of the situation? I couldn't trust PUGs not to be idiots really, and by that, I mean, PUGs have horrific tendencys to be worse than henchies.

As others said, avoid ele bosses in factions/NF. In prophecies bosses aren't really a problem.

Ebony Shadowheart

Ebony Shadowheart

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2006




Man I love how people keep saying that the survivor titles are crap. Sure some people piggyback on everyone else to get there, but not everyone does.

I don't consider farming exp as cheating if it is YOU going out and doing the farming. Having someone 'farming for you' is just another type of power leveling and that is cheating, imo.

My fiance just reached Legendary right before NF's release and I think it was well worth the time put into it. It gives you a sense of accomplishment if you earn it yourself, after all 1337000 exp is a LOT!

My suggestions for getting survivor: use scrolls as often as possible, hide your survivor title if you are going to PuG (although i do not recomment puging at all for this), cap EVERY skill you come across, remember henchies/heroes are expendable do not be afraid to run yet at the same time always bring rez lol, ask people you trust for help. My fiance and I spent a lot of time dual farming exp. people say this is cheating, but its not of you're actually fighting. good monking is mandatory! dont get down if you have to restart a dozen times, because sometimes thats what it takes.

final thoughts: dont let anyone give you shit because you want this title. the feeling of personal accomplishment is well worth it and if people just dont get that, ignore is a wonderful thing.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Bah, F12, lame.... ALT-F4 is the best!


Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2006


F12/enter or Alt/F4. Either way if the server thinks your still connected, you're dead.

I'm going for the title on my rit/mo. I did the first two missions in factions to get to LA and played through to Droks with henchies. Healing breeze, Protective spirit ascension and alot of wanding. With the release of Nightfall, adding Olias to the party makes farming the grawl in Witman's Folly and skill capping alot easier. I don't join pug with her, half of my guildies don't even know what she looks like.

So, not everyone is survivor is powerleveled or staying about 2 aggro circles away.

African War Lord

African War Lord

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006

Survivor is possibly the most stressful title to aquire. I just obtained survivor 1 on my derv and I feel pretty good about it!! I'm not even considering going for survivor 2, I don't need that kind of stress in my life lol.. it was hard enough getting 1.

I was capping lyssa yesterday when my henchies died and I had the choice of rezoning or to just die and kill off the last couple of gaurds and lyssa. I chose death. Although it was kinda sad to lose my chance at the next lvl of survivor, I really didn't want the stress of going through the game alone and worrying about dying. I said to myself, what are you going to do log out now everytime you have a hard time? no thanks..

Here's some tips that got me survivor 1: This is what I did, hopefully it will work for you too.

1. Always go with hero's and henchies over real players unless you trust them.

2. Bring both monk hero's and equip them both with condition and hex removal. It worked wonders for me. One monk as protection with life sheath and the other as healing. Mine didn't even have a good monk elite heal to use so you'll probably be even better off that I was. I only had healing hands. Apply poison on koss is pretty effective and he uses it great.

3. I never used a scroll but I imagine they would help alot. Definately not needed.

4. Bring self heals. My derv bar for the most part was this:
vital boon, mystic vigor, chilling victory, victorious sweep, aura of thorns, twin moon sweep, signet of pious light (hardly ever used) and ressurect.

5. When you get to a map allowing for 8 party members, always bring the monk and paragon hench. My party often consisted of this:

and when I made it off the starter Island.. yes I brought a 4 monk team lol. It was fun, damage was probably less than a normal team should be but I didn't notice anything too hard to kill and my team would wipe through most groups quickly without any problems, often staying near full health.

6. Do Master's quests at your own discretion. I remember losing my survivor on a paragon who tried the first Master quest. Although I did end up doing most of them on my dervish, I always skip that first one by Vada I think his name is.

7. Do all the quests you can. Think your done all the quests? go back to old towns and you'll see there's tons of quests and you can be lvl 17 or 18 still on the starter island.

8. For other derv's bring Heart of Holy Flame for that jogur diggins mission with the undead for some amazing damage. Anything to make your attacks deal holy damage would work fine.

My first post ever!!! I'll keep the others shorter ;] but hopefully it will help someone reach survivor.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Sorry for an at least partly incoherent post. I was in a rush, but I wanted to post something before running off to class.

Again, skillcaping is nifty xp... so are quests in factions/NF. But what I really want to say is this: Don't be a burden on your party. PvE really isn't that hard, especialy when you know the game fairly well. Don't play through the first time with a survivor, since suprises can kill. But if you're setting up the team so you have a hero monk along just bo coat you in bonds, I think you have a problem.

I've noticed that many PUGs really seem to be playing with a deathwish. I got Legendary Survivor on my mesmer, and I PUGed missions up untill Unwaking Waters in Factions, and Finished Hell's Precipce in Prophecies. There were many times where I'd be the last one left alive, and I either resed everyone and we kept going, or there was no way to res them without being killed, so we resigned. The only reason that situation kept repeating, was that I knew how to kite, and the rest of the PUG apparently did not.

Sure, you can sit there and alt-f4 everytime things get ugly, but it really shouldn't happen a signifigant number of times. If it does, you're really doing something wrong, and need to take a deeper look at just what is going wrong.

Oh, and by the way, can you even PL people to legendary anymore? Isn't dual-farming nerfed?

Moist Muffin

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Running for my life because some idiot El aggro'd the beasties and then ran by my monk

GamerzUnlimited [gu]


Originally Posted by Zolderick
I must say the title is something really sought after because of its difficulty. You will be looked up to by your peers as a sort of pro in PvE
ROFL! I thought I heard it all.

Bane of Worlds

Bane of Worlds

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006



very stressful when you find that you died once because the computer decided to overheat,lagged to death, some wiseguy talking to you while you're playing and pulls you away from the computer..., a choice to risk or rezone,and/or a simple mistake.
It's annoying that most people who do go for the survivor post on a forum that they'll be powerleveled by a guildy or some Powerleveler than doing it themselves which gives the community the impression that "all" are gaining it the unfair way but it's not the case but most do choose that route but people will pick easy routes.
Okay, I seen some suggestions already in here so I'm not going to relist them but add that use heroes and henchmen as meatshields since NF made it possible to control henchie and hero placement on the map so let them aggro the group first.

Griff Mon

Griff Mon

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

In the Elfen Forests of Washington State

Damage Radius


If you are truly desperate to get the Survivor Title there is a completely safe and very time consuming way to do it.

Get a lvl 20 guildie to do 1 v 1 with you. Stand there and do nothing. Let the guildie die again and again at the hands of the NPC's Depending on your level you get experience points. The higher the level the lower points you get. About 125 points at lvl 19 per kill against a lvl 20, or about 500 exp points per match. At really low levels you get much more experience so it is a quick way to power level from lvl 1 to 10 or so.

I suppose you could do this yourself if you have two accounts in the same guild/alliance and played against yourself. You would need two computers with internet connections side by side to do this.

I do not endorse this, but it is out there as a possibility.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

I found the quickest route to Survivor 1 was in Factions. You can make level 12 in under three hours and level 20 in under eight. If anyone is interested, pm me and I'll send some info on how I do it.


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



My ele is almost halfway to survivor 2. I have pugged missions and without abandoning the group. One group even had a Mo/R putting fertile season down as a method of healing.