Time paradox
Giga Strike
i was going through the Nightfall campaign when i get back to istan to find that i can now get to tyria and cantha. however, the quests say they want my help with the undead hordes in kryta and a plague in cantha. of course this is how the characters from elona get to the other continents but prophecies and factions ended 3 years ago in game time from the begining of nightfall.
simply, all that already happened 3 years ago, yet i can still do it.
simply, all that already happened 3 years ago, yet i can still do it.
King Kong
Originally Posted by Giga Strike
i was going through the Nightfall campaign when i get back to istan to find that i can now get to tyria and cantha. however, the quests say they want my help with the undead hordes in kryta and a plague in cantha. of course this is how the characters from elona get to the other continents but prophecies and factions ended 3 years ago in game time from the begining of nightfall.
simply, all that already happened 3 years ago, yet i can still do it. |

Each is a stand alone game.
I don't think anet is at the money / resource level to dynamically alter every game to show actions based on other game.
I also want the option to do quests I skipped even though a latter plot point "breaks" the time line.
I don't think anet is at the money / resource level to dynamically alter every game to show actions based on other game.
I also want the option to do quests I skipped even though a latter plot point "breaks" the time line.
yeah, its sort of time travel, but not a paradox.... you can say, that the ending of factons is three years earlier than ending of nightfall or another way around (i didn't dig in those timelines at all) but these quests traveling between chapter and continents are simple time jumps.... and it's worthless to make a paradox out of it....
I have a feeling we are going to see a lot of this in the GW future. The way to deal with it is to ignor the conflicts. This is YOUR charactor's story. If you stop Abboadon BEFORE saving Tyrai, then thats the way it happened.
Would you prefer having the 'time paradox' solved by not being able to go back to the previous Chapters?

Giga Strike
i only used "time paradox" to make it sound interesting so that ppl would respond, im full aware it isnt. i want the opportunity to do other quests i guess but it doesnt make sense that im going 3 years into the past.
Chewbacca Defense
NERFF!!! Time Paradox is too overpowered!
Originally Posted by Giga Strike
but it doesnt make sense that im going 3 years into the past.
Frankly I'd think it rather silly to have every chapter happen exactly at the same time. Like every damn region in the world has some disaster going on simultaneously. Even Mhenlo can't be everywhere at once.
Ezekial Bain
Here's a somewhat silly but possible solution...
all the stuff that happens on Istan *before* the main story really kicks off coudl be happening at the same time as Prophecies/Factions. So at the point that your Elonian-born character can go to Tyria and Cantha it is the same time as the Prophecies/Factions storylines.
Imagine if you will that it takes 3 years to gather the armies of the Sunspears together to launch an attack on Varesh and her army. A bit unrealistic to be sure, but it solves the problem.
So essentially Istan is like Pre-Seering and once you hit the main-land imagine a "Three years later" type of story development, just as in the way the main Prophecies storyline is 2 years after Pre-Seering.
all the stuff that happens on Istan *before* the main story really kicks off coudl be happening at the same time as Prophecies/Factions. So at the point that your Elonian-born character can go to Tyria and Cantha it is the same time as the Prophecies/Factions storylines.
Imagine if you will that it takes 3 years to gather the armies of the Sunspears together to launch an attack on Varesh and her army. A bit unrealistic to be sure, but it solves the problem.
So essentially Istan is like Pre-Seering and once you hit the main-land imagine a "Three years later" type of story development, just as in the way the main Prophecies storyline is 2 years after Pre-Seering.
I think this is one of those cases where one shouldn't dwell too much. It's necessary incontinuity to continue the story of the Guild Wars franchise and not just have every thing in the world happen "simultaniously."
Originally Posted by Giga Strike
i was going through the Nightfall campaign when i get back to istan to find that i can now get to tyria and cantha. however, the quests say they want my help with the undead hordes in kryta and a plague in cantha. of course this is how the characters from elona get to the other continents but prophecies and factions ended 3 years ago in game time from the begining of nightfall.
simply, all that already happened 3 years ago, yet i can still do it. |
BUT, when you travel to Tyria, you arrive in Lion's Arch which is several quests/missions before the 'end'. It could take a steadfast adventuring Hero a goodly chunk of time to travel (on foot and by ship) throughout the remainder of the Tyrian continent, vanquishing evil wherever he finds it until he gets to Hell's Precipice which is the 'end' of the Prophecies storyline.
So, actually, there's very little time distortion/paradox as such. (Unless, of course, you insist on running backwards to Old Ascalon)
Btw, isn't it rather stupid to call post-searing Ascalon City "Old" when it's actually the "new" (it *is*, after all, two years later).

Szechwan Chi Qin
You know, a year and a half ago I escaped Ascalon with the prince, traveled through jungles, deserts, icy peaks, exotic Cantha, and mysterious Elona, yet when I return to Ascalon, IT'S STILL IN RUINS! Geez, that lazy king needs to get off his sorry butt and rebuild his kingdom. King Adleburn? More like King Idleburn. I knew there was a reason why I left with Prince Rurik...
Originally Posted by thezed
If you stop Abboadon BEFORE saving Tyrai, then thats the way it happened.
The Boat you click to move from place to place = time machine.
thats the most logical explaination. xD
thats the most logical explaination. xD
Oh no, I've gone cross-eyed....