I do like the new Skills & Attributes setup overall. But in the old window, when an attribute was raised or lowered the selected skill's values also changed at the bottom of the window making it easy to figure out breakpoints I was interested in. Now I have to mouse over the skill after each raise/drop of an attribute rank to see if it hit my preferred breakpoint. It would be a welcome improvement if there was a way to keep the selected skill's description visible while toggling attribute ranks.
Another irritant is not being able to determine a skill's value range when I preview it in a Priest of Balthazar/Skill Trainer window. (e.g. assuming 0 Earth Magic, Stone Striker's value shows only 5; purchasing it shows the skill's value range of 5..25 in the Skill Unlocked popup). It'd be nice to know the range prior to purchasing it (and possibly also after purchasing it). I've used Guildwiki to resolve this, but lately it takes forever to get a page loaded, if at all. Besides, I think it would be nice if it could be incorporated in game.
I'm not an interface designer, but if the skill description were visible when the skill was selected (like it was prior to Nightfall), maybe the solution would be the actual skill value based on your current attribute rank is listed there and a mouse over would show the skill's range(s).
Just a suggestion, sorry if this is all garbled.