09 Nov 2006 at 21:50 - 6
Also, newer profession skills do not work backwards. Skills for all 6 core professions are avaiable in all 3 games, but, in order of release, you will only find Assassin and Ritualist skills in Factions and Nightfall, and Dervish and Paragon skills only in Nightfall. If you take any of the 4 non-core professions back to Tyria (Prophecies) You will not be able to learn your profession specific skills there, nor will their be profession specific elites. As an Assassin or Ritualist, you will not find skills for those two professions in Prophecies. Likewise, you will not find Skills for Dervishes or Paragons in both Prophecies and Factions. However, Any core professions, be them primary or secondary, can recieve skills from older campaigns. However, some skills are only avaiable in certain continents. So for example: An Elementalist created in, say, Tyria, will have access to all skills in Tyria, But, will not be able to buy or capture skills in Factions or Nightfall until they travel to said continents.