Need Help ASAP


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006




Im a little confused. I want to start playing Guild Wars Night Fall. Now i want the Night Fall Collecters Edition. So can i just buy that and start playing. Or do i have to buy the first Guild Wars and the Night Fall collecters edition for it to work. Please let me know ASAP. Thanks!




Join Date: Oct 2006

You can buy the Nightfall Collector's Edition without the Procephies because they're both Stand-Alone games.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

No, you can't "just start playing." First you have to take the game (Nightfall) home and install it on your computer. Then you have to create a character. THEN you can start playing!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006




LOL thanks for that help man. I was always confused about why the game wouldnt worked right as i bought it. Now all my troubles are fixed. no but really. So i am going to be spending around $100 for the first Guild Wars and Nightfall right. Is that really the best thing to do?? or can i do this......

Buy night fall and install it over the Guild Wars client i downloaded from the homepage. then create and account under nightfall. If i did it that way would it be like have both the first and nightfall guild wars??? or am i just retarted and that wont work??? Thanks




Join Date: Oct 2006

What I meant to say was that you can play Guild Wars with just Nightfall alone.




Join Date: Feb 2006

Each game in the Guild Wars series can be played without purchase of any other game. The only thing you really need to buy is the serial key for the game you wish to play, because the client will always be updated with all of the content from all of the games (so if you only buy Nightfall, your computer will still have Prophecies and Factions stored on it; you just won't be able to unlock that content without purchasing the game keys).

In short, you can play your Guild Wars: Nightfall with no additional purchases. Install the client if you haven't already, create an account, and get started!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Once you decide you enjoy Nightfall then at any point you can add either Prophecies or Factions to your account, or both. Until you do you are limited to playing in Elona, the Nightfall continent, plus the PvP Battle Isles which are common for everyone.


Join Date: Dec 2005




Also, you only need to install GW once. If you buy additional chapters, you only need to download the new content. I haven't used my Factions and Nightfall CD's yet. All I need was the serial key.