Learning more about the game



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

hey guys im daron and i just got guild wars (the first one) and im trying to learn more about the game....

a few things i want to know:

- what are the campains?

- whats the differance beetween pvp and roleplay

- whats prophecies, factions and nightfall?

- lol whats the best class? (your opinion)

thanx for all your help

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


The campaigns are the three different games
-Prophecies (what you have)

pvp is you fighting against other people in an arena; pve is when you actually play the game

those are the campaigns

There is no best class; but I'm sure most people have a favorite class. I've been enjoying the dervish; probablly cause they're new though.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005


[FaRM] Farm For The Win


Think Sith said it all by now

Zephyr Rose

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006




Welcome to the game, Daron!

I hope you'll enjoy playing it as much as I have. This site is a great starting place for people new to Guild Wars.

I enjoy playing monk more than anything else (don't let the posts about people abusing monks get you down....I've been monking for awhile and have not been flamed once, thank goodness.) I suggest trying all the classes and finding the right fit for you.

If you ever need any help in-game, feel free to call on me (if I'm online.) My main character is Zephyr Rose.

Have fun!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

Of the classes you have access too the Elementalist is probably my favorite. A Necromancer comes in at a close second.

Overall I think Dervish is going to beat her in enjoyment but that is a Nightfall profession.

However, those aren't really good starting classes. Both the Ele and Necro require you to understand how skills operate (you can't just throw a bunch of skills on the skill bat and do well), target priority (you really need to know when and where to use your skills - especially on the necro), and when to run or not (kiteing).

My first character was an Elementalist and she died constantly - I hated the character. It wasn't until my warrior that I was able to live long enough to start figuring things out.

The Warrior is probably the easiest to play at first. Tons of armor and it's hard to go wrong with your skill set. Bring 3-4 +damage, 3-4 self buff/heals, and a resurrect (res signet or if a monk secondary one of it's hard resurrects). If you go with henchies I suggest a monk secondary - the hard resurrect really helps. If you are going with other people any secondary can be made to work, just play with it (you can change your secondary later in the game anyway).

Of course, getting in a guild will help a lot with help. I'm pretty much a loner and had to learn the hard way.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005


[FaRM] Farm For The Win


It's true.
Warriors are of the easiest to learn.

I'd suggest a ranger as they're the most versatile class imo.
Should you want a bit of a challenge then go any caster but you WILL have to carefully select your skills.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

I'll be looking soon


In a bit more detail, the campaigns are the primary quests you will follow, its the main storyline through the game. You will learn why each campaign is so called, ie why prophecies is called phrophecies.

My favourite class (as there is no best class) is the elementalist, followed by monk and mesmer. I tend to dislike the melee classes, but that is just my opinion.

Have fun playing the game and good luck.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

ok thanx guys my computer ran out on memory right when i was about to play but i got to make my character and i chose elementalist thye just seemed pretty cool controlling the elements and stuff but since you recomend starting out warrior than i guess i will thanx for all ur help guys



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Again, welcome to the game!

I would recommend making a ranger maybe not now since u made an elementalist, but sometime down the road I would recommend making a ranger. They are a very versitile profession, they can set traps, tame a pet, alter their bow attacks so it does fire damage, poisons the target, etc. They also have very good self heal and self survival skills, which makes them pretty durable.

Necromancers are also very fun to play because they can animate bone horrors and bone fiends which basically go and fight for you. If you ever decide to get factions, you can animate flesh golems, which are much more powerful minions.

If you ever need help with anything at any time, you can PM me in GW or here on guru. My character name is Kartok the Swift.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Lost Dynasty [SEEK]


Warrior is easiest to learn, and with the right skills is a very powerful class. My personal fave
Necro is next IMO, Minion Masters own and Bloodspikes are lethal. Close 2nd to Warriors

It all depends on your style. Eles are very powerful when used right. If you need help you can PM me.
Check out www.Guildwiki.com for info, its down now (People looking for stuff about Nightfall killed the server) but it will be up soon, I hope!!

Your comp ran out of memory? How much do you have?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

when i first put Gw on my comp, i got that error message too. at first it was always in a specific spot in aurora glade, but it eventually went away. if u havnt already, turn off all the startup programs running on ur comp. if u dont know how, go to start menu, run, msconfig, selective startup, uncheck the box that says load startup items, and let it reboot. that fixed the problem for me.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

allience of allied allies


Im new and I like the game alot....My friends play WOW and im poor and cant afford it...lol...so I found this and was like hell yah...lol



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

wait a sec gw is more exspensive then wow i got gw for 49.99 and wow is 20.00 but who cares i think guild is better....but yeah well thing is the memory on my computer is only like 100 ram lol which for guild wars isnt good at all.. but soon i will be getting a 1gb ram cpu. wich is good for all guild wars including nightfall



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Glasgow, Scotland

Banished Dragons


Originally Posted by Daron
wait a sec gw is more exspensive then wow i got gw for 49.99 and wow is 20.00
You paid 49.99 for Prophicies... You got a little bit ripped off there then as most shops sell it for cheaper than that! Even then you pay 20.00 for WoW but after a month you've got to pay again... Then when that subscription runs out you have to pay again and so on.