Mantra of resolve + block questions

Oh a GW forum

Oh a GW forum


Join Date: Oct 2006


Two questions:

1) When using skills like mantra of resolve that prevent an interrupt, is it similar to mist form where the interrupt won't happen, but any other effects of that attack go through? For instance, if I got hit with a disrupting chop, I wouldn't be interrupted, but would the disable effect happen?

2) What is the cap on % to block or evade? If I have two skills that would stack to be over 100% chance to block, how far do they stack? Or, do skills like these not stack, and the game factors in each skill seperately?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005


[FaRM] Farm For The Win


I'llanswer 2 first
Yes that does stack
For instance: Price of Failure, Spirit of Failure, Signet of Midnight and Reckless Haste have a 0% hit chance.
Well not exactly 0%, more like 0,1%

Mantra of Resolve only PREVENTS being interrupted.

Mantra of Resolve
For 30-78 seconds you cannot be interrupted, but each time you would have been interrupted you lose 10-5 Energy or Mantra of Resolve Ends.

As with Disrupting Chop that you mention

Disrupting Chop
If it hits, this attack interrupts the target's current action. If that action was a skill, that skill is disabled for an additional 20 seconds.

So, no it won't be disabled since it didn't interrupt.
Mantra of Concentration has no backfire but a long recharge.

Mist Form
Elite Enchantment Spell. For 8-20 seconds you cannot take or deal damage from attacks.

You can't 'physically' hit the person/creature in question but it's still vulnerable to AoE damage (correct me if i'm wrong) since that doesn't necessarily target it.

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



About mist form you can still do any spells , even those that target, you just cant use skills that say attack in it

Oh a GW forum

Oh a GW forum


Join Date: Oct 2006


Yea I know how mistform works, but I was refering to the fact that any effect other than the damage from an attack still occurs. If I use sever artery on something enchanted with mist form, I do no damage but it still begins bleeding.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Disrupt Chop is a bad example since it only disables if it interupts the skill, but Yes something that interupts and does something else (where the other effect isnt a result of the interupt) would have its second effect, I beleive.