Question: Most Fame with no HoH win?
Today I was observing some Hall of Heroes battles and it got me thinking:
Who has the most fame without actually winning in the Hall of Heroes?
Now, first off, I know there is no way of proving or disproving someone's claims, but why lie, is it something to be proud of?
Secondly, I myself have never won in HoH, so I can provide the benchmark at 1044 fame, Rank 6.
Thirdly, none of this "I know this guy....." stuff, post your own 'records' amd we will see where we go.
So there it is, my random daily Guild Wars pondering unleashed upon the GWG community.
Who has the most fame without actually winning in the Hall of Heroes?
Now, first off, I know there is no way of proving or disproving someone's claims, but why lie, is it something to be proud of?
Secondly, I myself have never won in HoH, so I can provide the benchmark at 1044 fame, Rank 6.
Thirdly, none of this "I know this guy....." stuff, post your own 'records' amd we will see where we go.
So there it is, my random daily Guild Wars pondering unleashed upon the GWG community.
Brother Andicus
I definately dont qualify as the most. My first win came somewhere around the 30-40 fame mark. From groups I have played with though, there appear to be a substantial number of r6 players never to have won.
Senator Tom
80-90 fame before my first win
I won quite early myself aswell, r2 or smtn. (Higher rank group tho).
never won, but i GOT to HoH n my 10-15th fame.... barely lost but never actually won
I won at about 120 fame, with a guild group, most people in it were r3/6.
achilles ankle
awwww dam lol i got the most so far. atm 195fame w/o ever winning halls. kinda sucks dont really care about the drop i just wanna say i did it.
About rank 3 when I won HoH for the first time
I had 340 some fame before I won, it pushed me over to R4. I was so happy

I got my first halls win as a R2 at around 120-150 fame. I do remember the win that pushed me over to R3 because it was also a halls win. My longest halls win streak is I believe 6 wins with my guild. The problem nowadays is that hall skips occur so often that its hard to achieve any amount of fame without getting to halls or winning halls.
LiQuId StEeL
Never won till I got my r4 (got it on the 4th map or so). Didn't win again till 2 weeks ago (got my puppy

Phaern Majes
I got my first win in between r3 and r4. I've had 2 wins as r4. The exact amount of fame not sure...
First win was at about 50 fame, and over a hundred wins since
(almost rank 7)

Haven't won it, and I have 596 fame...
little mini dude
havent won 185 fame
Haven't won yet, but I have 38 fame
I have been to the halls 8 times hehe, hall skip FTW!

I have been to the halls 8 times hehe, hall skip FTW!
I have 31 fame and I plan on making the number larger but if I ever win halls I will leaugh at the world because ti will be a sad day.
Former Ruling
I have a friend that got to Rank 6 before ever winning halls.
Then he won 2-3 times and thought he was the boss because he was rank 6 and won halls - But we put him in his place.
Then he won 2-3 times and thought he was the boss because he was rank 6 and won halls - But we put him in his place.
Thorondor Port
Originally Posted by apoggy
Thirdly, none of this "I know this guy....." stuff, post your own 'records' amd we will see where we go.
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
I have a friend that got to Rank 6 before ever winning halls.
Then he won 2-3 times and thought he was the boss because he was rank 6 and won halls - But we put him in his place. |
165 fame, no hall wins, also never won on the 4th map =[
Kool Pajamas
Well depends on how you count it. I have 2 accounts. I started on one account got to 136 fame without a win and then started playing on my other account and I won at rank 0.
I got my first fame on my first HoH win. Then I held halls for 8 hours strait until ANET banned me from all PvP because I was too skilled.
... ... Ok fine, I got like 3 fame before my first HoH win.
... ... Ok fine, I got like 3 fame before my first HoH win.
I have never won halls but have been there 5 times...
325 Fame.
325 Fame.
Keep it rolling.
I am surprised nobody has admitted to beating my current 'record'.
1044 fame and no win still leads the way!
I am surprised nobody has admitted to beating my current 'record'.
1044 fame and no win still leads the way!
280, which im at right now... beeb there twice...
About 400, before we won thanks to the might of an archer henchie.
Effendi Westland
think I had just reached rank 1... though in the fights leading up to HoH.
Spirit spamming ftw
Spirit spamming ftw

Kais Unduli
Currently sitting on 417 fame with no Halls victories. I've been there 7 times (including 2 times as leader with IWAY, please don't hate), and I'd just like to win it once. Came awfully close twice, but most of the time I've been there we got blown away.
-Old 3FL-
Im almost r3 and havent wont hoh.
Thats 123fame.
Thats 123fame.
My problem has always been that any guild I have been in ranked GvG above HA. I think this is indicative of why I am about to reach 500k faction, without doing much TA, not winning in halls and being just over Rank 6.
I still see that nobody has gotten near my amount of fame without winning in HoH. How sad.
I still see that nobody has gotten near my amount of fame without winning in HoH. How sad.
Think I got a HoH win on my 1st or 2nd try...was running in a r8/9 round back when tigers were like...whoa though =P Friends ftw! (Before IWAY =X I'm old =D)
I find it more sad that in at least 100 HA battles u have not won halls yet. That my friend is sad.
It is indeed sad, but like I said, I've never been a hardcore HA'er. It's not of course like I don't want to win!
Perhaps its down to luck not getting in any decent teams, perhaps its down to not being a dedicated HA'er, or perhaps its down to me not being good enough.
I would like to think of course the later was not true, but who knows.
Perhaps its down to luck not getting in any decent teams, perhaps its down to not being a dedicated HA'er, or perhaps its down to me not being good enough.
I would like to think of course the later was not true, but who knows.
Well, I almost never play HoH but I got to Halls with a guild group on my 8th fame but we lost. I now have about 80 fame and have never won in Halls. =(
I think i was r1.. about 40 fame.
D: I feel N00B....190 Fame, I haven't really HA'd sence July, but....closest HoH i've came to was....I had alter cap'd with 15 Seconds, and we managed to lose it

Won twice only ever R3 160 fame or so... hardly HA now so its stuck there.
Ive won halls about 4-6 times and I'm only r3 ^_^
Originally Posted by Kais Unduli
Currently sitting on 417 fame with no Halls victories. I've been there 7 times (including 2 times as leader with IWAY, please don't hate), and I'd just like to win it once. Came awfully close twice, but most of the time I've been there we got blown away.
Had my first HoH win the night before I got R3, at about 170 fame. Currently 787 fame and win HoH regularly.
Sorry for the massive bump, but I have to announce that on Tuesday night I finally win in HoH, with me stood on 1101 fame.
The duck is broken at last!
The duck is broken at last!