Your Best Source for Information on Nightfall Is...?
Kern Wolf
Ok; with no guide available, and arguably the best website (guildwiki) down for an undetermined length of time, where do YOU go to for information on Nightfall? Is there a web site you can find information on Hero's, inscriptions, missions, quests, etc that all of us may not know about? Share the info and the web site, folks, and tell us why you think it's a good site for info...
Well, I think you answered your own question. Right now, our resources both newbie (guide) and web based (wiki) are down. Wiki has a new server coming today I've been told, but it may take several more days to get it up and running. I would expect that they should have it all up over the weekend.
Well, it doesn't specifically have the things you need but it might be of some help.
That's my guild website. Go to Resources and it will take you to a page that will redirect you to several different websites that I feel (or felt at the time) were the most useful for each category. It's all very user friendly and clean.
That's my guild website. Go to Resources and it will take you to a page that will redirect you to several different websites that I feel (or felt at the time) were the most useful for each category. It's all very user friendly and clean.
Kern Wolf
Originally Posted by Inde
Well, I think you answered your own question. Right now, our resources both newbie (guide) and web based (wiki) are down. Wiki has a new server coming today I've been told, but it may take several more days to get it up and running. I would expect that they should have it all up over the weekend.