Classes and Updates•



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

ok as i look into the differant guild war games theres a few classes that are not in the one i have (prophecies) i really want to be a assasin but i cant is there any way i can somehow update my game so i can get the differant classes????


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

British Columbia, Canada

Knights of Saitin[KOS]


each chapter after prophecies has two unique classes that are available to that chapter.

Factions: Assassin and Ritualist
Nightfall: Dervish and Paragon

The only way to get the different classes is to buy the appropriate chapter. Also, linking the new chapters to your existing account would be a good idea.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

but how do i do that do i have to buy factions and nightfall just to get those classes or can i go online and just buy the classes off the internet..(if so please tell me the site)

Olfin Bedwere

Olfin Bedwere

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Stillwater, Oklahoma


You have to buy the games to get the classes.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

New York

Vanquishing Memories [VM]


Yeah buying Factions gets you the Assasin and Dervish and Nightfall the Dervish and Paragon.

Two-Bit Mathews

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Lords of the Underworld


Amen brother amen



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

ah man that sucks i was hoping u could just go online and buy them off the guild wars site or something but who cares i guess i have to deal with uh whats in factions it looks cool i might get it since i have prophecies and also if i get factions will it have the same classes in the first one plus the two extra characters or will it just have those two new classes?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

British Columbia, Canada

Knights of Saitin[KOS]

you have to buy factions and / or nightfall to access the additional classes, you can't just buy them from the online store. however, you can access the online store once you log into your account, then you can purchase either factions or nightfall and it will be added directly to your account. you'll have to create an account for the online store, but this is how i purchased my factions and nightfall chapters as it was cheaper for me. (Factions was $69.99 CAD in store, $49.99 US in the online store. Strong canadian dollar and no tax = $57.xx rather than $74.xx by purchasing it from a store. Haven't seen what nightfall's price in stores here is, but it was late when i wanted it and the online store never closes )

Edit: wow.. looks like people beat me to it



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006

United States of America

The Seven Deadly [Sins]

Prophecies has the six "core" classes, Factions has the "core" classes plus Assassin and Ritualist, Nightfall has the "core" classes plus Dervish and Paragon.

Both Factions and Nightfall have new content in the form of skills, items, areas, gameplay features. Too much to really put into a post here.

One thing to make note of: After adding Nightfall or Factions to your account, you will have the choice upon character creation to select any of the campaigns you have on your account. That character will start in that section of the game, but can later travel to Tyria (Prophecies) and play there. Your Tyrian characters (the ones you created in Prophecies) will be able to unlock travel to Cantha (Factions) or Elona (Nightfall) and play there.