More storage space?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

El Es Di [Acid]


Does anybody know if they're going to increase the storage space for free anytime? The reason i say free is because as of now, the only extra storage space availible is other characters, which turn into unused characters because they have so much crap on them they couldnt collect drops or take quest items, so their's no use for em and the character slots cost money (i.e. from buying the game or extra slots your able to purchase).

I'm pretty sure im not the only one with storage issues, so like an update that created tabs for storage or even if we had to pay like 1k or sumthing for another 5 spaces or something would be great cause i would actually like to use my paragon, mesmer, and necro sometime, but they're all full up on weapons, dyes, materials, minipets, ect.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


Its an issue of server storage space. I don't expect it anytime soon. Just transfer stuff from one character to another when you start to use them.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006

United States of America

The Seven Deadly [Sins]

Well, since they allready are selling PvP unlock packs and character slots in their online store, why not sell additional vault "pages"? I don't know, like $1.99? No idea how it would be priced. Probably less than a character slot, considering another page on your vault box (like how they have the material storage tab, could just add "Vault Space 2" or something) would likely take up less space than a whole character (which has stats/skills/equipment/appearance/location/inventory to be stored)...

I don't know how well recieved that would be, but it seems reasonable to me. I'm sure tons of people would plunk down a few bucks to get more storage space. I know I would.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Lost Dynasty [SEEK]


We need more storage. Mine is full and I have 4 slots left on my monk. Either that or we need merchants to buy our stuff at a fair price.

Anarion Silverhand

Anarion Silverhand

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005



Cleaned up the thread, let's keep it on topic, please.


African War Lord

African War Lord

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006

well the material storage was a great idea. Can we increase the cap though? I have 250 tanned hide, then another 250 in the regular storage, and now a third stack is forming so the material storage, although cute at first is not doing it's job.

One might say I don't need all those materials but I'd like to get all my characters lookin spiffy. A good idea would be to increase the stack to atleast 500. I'd be happier at 750 or 1k.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

El Es Di [Acid]


or maybe another tab for dyes and weapon upgrades



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006



Originally Posted by vampireX
or maybe another tab for dyes and weapon upgrades
or a place for all your many different armor



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

yes, we need more spaces in our storage that's for sure, but yet again, no matter how big Anet increases, this complain will never stop. who knows, they aren't increasing the storage to make people buy more slots lol.

Samuel Anders

Samuel Anders

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006


The best suggestion I've seen (it's in the suggestion forum somewhere, but I can't remember who posted it) is to make a "Customized Storage". This storage area would only hold items customized to your characters (armor and weapons) and it wouldn't affect the game's economy by letting said items pile up in storage since customized items are of no use to other players.

And, yeah, I agree with needing more storage space. I'm on the Hell's Precipice mission in Prophecies and I hate having to stop doing missions in order to sit in a town for 20 minutes to sell items so I have more room in my storage.

Funk ee Monk ee

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Legendary Adventurers Guild [LAG]

If you talk to the storage npc in Kamadan (not the normal Xunlai Agent, I don't have my game on this computer to check the name) they tell you something like "We have added materials storage with more improvements in the near future!" Could someone look this up and post a pic?

Of course the obvious answer to not keeping multiple stacks of tanned hides, etc is just to sell them. If you sell at market value (or even to material merchant) you will break even at worst *if* you need them for later armor.

And to Samuel ... If you are taking 20 minutes to sell items you are selling too much to other players IMO. Personally if it is not a perfect Mursaat Hornbow, Hammer, or Fellblade (from that area) it goes to the NPC merchant so I can get back to killing stuff.

Tetris L

Tetris L

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna

Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Its an issue of server storage space.
ANet may have various reasons not to increase storage space, but I assure you, server storage space is definetly not the issue here.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2006

Iowa, USA


Ive said it once and I'll say it again. Storage is probably the single best thing Anet could add to the "Upgrades" part of the online store. I would be more then happy to give them an extra few bucks for more storage. As long as it was reasonably (less then $5) priced.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Selling expansion space is unbalancing. PvP unlock packs don't give you anything you can't get in game.

The reason for storage limitation is for gameplay reasons. It prevents you from hoarding items. This may seem like an annoyance, but imagine what would farmers and re-sellers with 10+ accounts do. A single person would take over entire market. Already it's rather trivial to get unlimited storage - the pro traders in LA and similar districts never seem to be in short supply of any mod you want.

Perhaps the best addition would be armor storage, since multiple sets of armor are very common in PvE.

But resources, dyes, runes and collectibles are intended to be sold.

And server storage space has nothing whatsoever to do with it. After all, the character space has at least quadrupled with introduction of hero (runes + insignias + weapons + mods + builds)



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

El Es Di [Acid]


Originally Posted by Antheus
Selling expansion space is unbalancing. PvP unlock packs don't give you anything you can't get in game.
well depending on how u wanna look at it, they already do sell 'expansion space' for $9.99 (extra character slot).



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



Selling storage space in the online store for real world money is just a bad idea.
This is part of the game and it should not be for real money.

If you want more space then buy a character slot for $9.99 and you have your self 45 slots mule after you get the belt/bags/runes for that character.

If they intend to add storage tabs for dye/armor/etc then that should be as a free update.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Eternal Deliverance


Why do I have a feeling that this topic has been mentioned before ?

As far as seeing a storage update, it may/may not happen. Everyone has been begging for it every since Prophecies came out. If it happens, I'll be glad when that day comes. We'll just have to wait and see.

Destro Maniak

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006


I cant understand why dont they just do it. How many tb(terabyte) would it takes to make it x10 of current space. Isnt this items are just codes as:
Zealus Sword of Fortitude [00125425]
how many bytes would this take? Lets say 1kb(which is a lot more than normal just tried 36 byte about 1/20 of 1kb ) now lets multiple this with player population. And space that would be added. If the population of guild war is 5 million people it would be bout 120gb. Lets make the calculation:
50b for each item. if 500 more slot at storage. 50x500:25.000b
25,000x5.000.000(people): byte byte means about 125gb if we say it is /1000 each unit. İt is normall 1024 it makes 116gb. Population of gw isnt 5mil as I know make your own calculation if you like.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Lost Dynasty [SEEK]


Originally Posted by puhhehehee
yes, we need more spaces in our storage that's for sure, but yet again, no matter how big Anet increases, this complain will never stop. who knows, they aren't increasing the storage to make people buy more slots lol.
I have a solution for this.
Since storage is 50G the first time, buying a double space upgrade would be 1K, double it again for 2K, double it thrice for 4K. Also, let armor sets stack so all my scar pattern stuff would take one slot and all my tormentors stuff would take another, not 10 slots total.

If you wanted a specific piece equipped just drag the stack on like normal and a window will pop up asking "Equip [V]ALL[V]" the [V]ALL[V] is a drop down menu from which you can choose All, Head, Chest, Legs, Hands, and Feet.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


The Celestrial Souls


I understand the need for more storage, the materials tab was great. I could see maybe a collectors (items you trade to collectors for stuffs) or dye tab, but for weapons and armor, that doesn't make too much sense to me. Maybe add another 5 slots on the main storage and add the tabs for dyes and collectors items, that seems to make sense. If you have too much crap or hording way too much stuff then that's your own fault. don't blame them for your lack of control to horde. It's a game people enjoy and share.




Join Date: Apr 2006


Croatian Maniacs [CM]


Originally Posted by tanedos
I understand the need for more storage, the materials tab was great. I could see maybe a collectors (items you trade to collectors for stuffs) or dye tab, but for weapons and armor, that doesn't make too much sense to me. Maybe add another 5 slots on the main storage and add the tabs for dyes and collectors items, that seems to make sense. If you have too much crap or hording way too much stuff then that's your own fault. don't blame them for your lack of control to horde. It's a game people enjoy and share.

agree on collector and dye tab



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

El Es Di [Acid]


I see more usefullness for an armor holding feature because i have mutilple sets for armor for each characters to be able to farm different areas and i can put all the dye i have one character, but the all the extra armor on one character would be a pain anytime i needed to change to go farm something else.

Anyway, in your post tanedos you say how
Originally Posted by tanedos
I could see maybe a collectors (items you trade to collectors for stuffs) or dye tab, but for weapons and armor, that doesn't make too much sense to me
Originally Posted by tanedos
If you have too much crap or hording way too much stuff then that's your own fault. don't blame them for your lack of control to horde. It's a game people enjoy and share.
So your against hording and want us not to blame anet for it yet you want a collectors items and dye tab but not a tab for custimized weapons and armor? That doesnt make much sense to me.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by tanedos
I understand the need for more storage, the materials tab was great. I could see maybe a collectors (items you trade to collectors for stuffs) or dye tab, but for weapons and armor, that doesn't make too much sense to me. Maybe add another 5 slots on the main storage and add the tabs for dyes and collectors items, that seems to make sense. If you have too much crap or hording way too much stuff then that's your own fault. don't blame them for your lack of control to horde. It's a game people enjoy and share.
You have that bacwards Id say. For collector items(seeds, carapaces, ect), I only keep as many as I need, for whatever item I want. But I dont really bother much now, as Im giving items that my level 20 characters have to my low lever character, so the low levels dont need collector stuff. An armor tab would be infintely more useful the items for collectors, as armor needs 5 slots to store a set, and doesnt stack like collector items. Also, most characters will need more than one set of armor(Youre not going to wear armor that protects against cold damage in the Frie Islands, but you WILL want that armor for the Shiverpeaks.) As to the second point, why do think he's hoarding? Im damn sure not hoarding items, and I had to buy a mule for my other 6 characters(just started new non-mule character, so that will help too). For me, I keep a weapon/item I find, that I can use, until I get a better one, and sometimes it takes awhile to find one.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Empty Quarter Newhole

Originally Posted by boxterduke
If you want more space then buy a character slot for $9.99 and you have your self 45 slots mule after you get the belt/bags/runes for that character.

Also, if you're collecting too much stuff, sell it. Most items in the game lose value the longer you hold them. In most situations it's better to sell stuff when you get it and rebuy it later on.

Say for instance, you pick up 10 wood. Now this takes up a spot. Say you're out adventuring, and because you have one less slot, everytime your inventory gets full you're picking up less "cash". Say a weapon worth 40g.

Now if you'd sold the wood you could have gotten 40ish gold, depending on where you sell it. And to buy the 10 wood back would cost 100g. So that's a potential loss of 60g.

And those 5 times your inventory got full you could have gotten another say, 40g x 5. So you lost 200g.

I know this example doesn't work for every situation, but it happens. I for one am a TERRIBLE hoarder and I'm trying to break my habit.

I like that this game give you limitations. It makes you think and revalue things.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


The Eyes of Ashtabula [Eyes]

I'd like to see a rune or dye tab. That would free up a bunch of room on my Assassin mule.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006



More than likely more storage will be something you can buy from the in-game store....

How would you determine how much space you would get?
Would it be fair to give a player 10 extra storage spaces who has all 3 guild wars
and give the same 10 to someone who only owns nightfall?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

How about something as simple as dealing with the keys, I have a load of diff keys across my chars and would love something as simple as a keyring to hold them all. Ok maybe not a keyring but something like that.

I cant remember how may diff keys there are in a single chapter, but you now have to multiply that by 3 (for 3 chapters). You see Keys were not something that was taken into account when the storage for chars was first set up (keys being added to the game at a later date) so now are for some ppl (like me) a bit of an issue.

Another way of dealing with this would be the merchants buying back keys at there sale price (or very near to it), after all if not used they are in the same condition. This would at least ease the need to hang onto them and take up valuable space.

Off topic but related how about letting us access storage from just after the login screen (ie the character select screen). This would save so much time and hastle of jumping in nd out jsut to pass things across. Just a thought...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


Why not just have the ability to drop a full 10 slot bag into each storage slot. That would do me for now, until a better solution is rolled out that is.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

El Es Di [Acid]


that would be awesome. think of the possiblilities! Bags all with armor, or weapons, or dyes inside.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

This isn't the suggestions forum; talk about it in this thread instead. Closed.