Haha, I was messing around with the Heroes, and who said they are noobs in PvP?
Yay for 10% Morale Boost and 4 second Zaishen completion (I can do better, but I'm too lazy to take another screen of it, lol.
I'd black out my skillbars, but to be quite honest, they're not that impressive :P
Yay for the new heroes!
Jeff Highwind
Fair Warning, this is probably the main reason people are petitioning that Henches and Heros get removed from HA. The warning is you may get flammed to oblivion.
Back on topic, what is Sosuke running?
Back on topic, what is Sosuke running?
Kry Onicle
Wow you figured out hero's dont set off the timer. Grats.
Yes they do.
Neo Nugget
Nope i sent meloni to chase the monk w/ a dervish build. All other heroes followed.......no timer.got a rather nice time lol.Got owned at UW so ima stick to guild groups.
Yeah Heros definatly don't set off the timer.
I hope you're not using Barrage and Seeking Arrows at the same time :P