Insignias... I don't understand? :s



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006


Fabric of Existence [ohGr]


How do they work? Can I equip them on an armor piece that has a rune on it as well? Does it even GO on armor, cause I tried to equip one on my necro's armor (it was a necro insignia) and it wouldn't equip? :s

I'm totally lost on this new item. Please help me.




Join Date: Oct 2006

They only work on Elonian and PvP armor. Yes, Insignias will replace other insignias, but not Rune of Attunement, Vitae, Vigor, Absorption, or +attributes for that matter.




Join Date: Jul 2005

It's pretty simple. You can only use universal insignias, or ones belonging to your primary class. Yes they are applied to amror. Yes you can use them on armor that is already runed.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


Insignias work like a prefix rune on armor. Let's say you've got the +health Insignia. This would make your armor "Survivors (armor type) of (rune tyep)". Just apply it to the armor like you would a rune.

Trick is, it does NOT work on Prophecies or Factions armors, only the Nightfall armors.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006


Fabric of Existence [ohGr]



...suddenly something that sounded really cool just turned into something really dumb. *sigh*

Thanks for answering. Too bad I think every single set of Elonian armor is ugly as hell and I don't plan to get any of it :s

The Radiant Insignia sounded so cool too D: I wanted it on my 15k tats. *sniff*



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


I feel the same way. Factions armor is so much nicer, but I almost can't be bothered to play that game because I hate it so much.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

allience of allied allies


Do any of you have rangers?

Phoenix Arrows

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

With many other ugly people

We Are All Pretty [ugly]


Yea...would love to mod my 15k the wrong stats for it...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


we are all pretty [ugly]

thats why you take your time while buying things LOL



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006


Fabric of Existence [ohGr]



Well, at least I didn't spend 4k on the stupid Radiant insignia before I knew what they did...would have been a waste

Cassandra Tanacel

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Wolf Brotherhood


Possibly a very dumb question, but if i bought an Elonian chest piece and equipped the insignia +energy on 3 pieces of armour and applied it to the chest, would i get the energy bonus on existing tyria / canthan armour pieces as well?

i'd assume not but rather than spend several plat testing i thought i'd ask first!

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


That energy bonus from Tyrian/Canthan armour is what the insignia represents. So when you put the energy insignias on your elonian armour, it will then be equivalent to Tyrian/Canthan armour.

Im not sure what you mean when you say "applying 3 pieces of armour to 1 chest piece"



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

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Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

I think the whole point of insignia is still missing in this thread...

Like already said: Insigina only work on Elonian armor. Elonian armor comes only with base stats and without an inherent modifier. For example, there is no Elonian Gladiator's armor (wich gives warriors an energy bonus). There is only Elonian Warrior armor (by different names and apperances, but they all are the same), wich has a bonus vs. physical damage, but nothing else. If you want the equivalent to Gladiator's armor with Elonian Armor, you have to put a Radiant insigina in it.

That is why a Radiant insignia wouldn't make sense on any kind of Tyrian tattoos, for example. They already have an energy bonus. Even if it was possible to apply the insignia, it would only replace the inherent energy bonus.

The whole system is only one step further than the armor system introduced with Factions. There every design was availible with every function. Now, you just buy designs without a function and mod them just to your liking. However, you have even more options now (there are insignia that didn't exist as mods in either Proph or Factions) and you can now change the function of an existing armor set and don't have to buy a new set.

Cassandra Tanacel

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Wolf Brotherhood


Originally Posted by eightyfour-onesevenfive
That is why a Radiant insignia wouldn't make sense on any kind of Tyrian tattoos, for example. They already have an energy bonus. Even if it was possible to apply the insignia, it would only replace the inherent energy bonus.

This is what i meant. A Elonian Curass with the Radiant insig (which i believe states it adds energy to 3 pieces of armour) with gladiator armour pieces (gloves, boots, leggings). Wasn't sure if the energy would stack up or the insignia applies to all armour


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Defiant Dragons

Originally Posted by Cassandra Tanacel
This is what i meant. A Elonian Curass with the Radiant insig (which i believe states it adds energy to 3 pieces of armour) with gladiator armour pieces (gloves, boots, leggings). Wasn't sure if the energy would stack up or the insignia applies to all armour
The Radiant insignia gives (and lists) different bonuses depending on where it's applied: +3 energy if you put it on the chest, +2 energy if you put it on the legs, +1 energy if you put it anywhere else. Not to 3 separate pieces, just a different bonus depending on where it is.

Cassandra Tanacel

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Wolf Brotherhood


I see! Misread the item description. Thanks very much



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006


Fabric of Existence [ohGr]


Originally Posted by eightyfour-onesevenfive
I think the whole point of insignia is still missing in this thread...

Like already said: Insigina only work on Elonian armor. Elonian armor comes only with base stats and without an inherent modifier. For example, there is no Elonian Gladiator's armor (wich gives warriors an energy bonus). There is only Elonian Warrior armor (by different names and apperances, but they all are the same), wich has a bonus vs. physical damage, but nothing else. If you want the equivalent to Gladiator's armor with Elonian Armor, you have to put a Radiant insigina in it.

That is why a Radiant insignia wouldn't make sense on any kind of Tyrian tattoos, for example. They already have an energy bonus. Even if it was possible to apply the insignia, it would only replace the inherent energy bonus.

The whole system is only one step further than the armor system introduced with Factions. There every design was availible with every function. Now, you just buy designs without a function and mod them just to your liking. However, you have even more options now (there are insignia that didn't exist as mods in either Proph or Factions) and you can now change the function of an existing armor set and don't have to buy a new set.
Ohh, I had no idea that they came with only base modifiers. Now this makes sense.