I would like to start a petition to have the Guild Member Status reinstated to our guild history.
I run a 60+ member guild and we recruit pretty openly, (we used to use a hefty recruitment process) we only started doing this when the status box started showing what members joined and what members left.
In the last update this was taken away now the status box only shows members invited and GvG win/loss info. It does not show when a member leaves the guild.
This is a big problem because we cannot easily track who comes and goes in our guild. It takes me an hour or 2 a week to check the member list against our forum member list, if I didn't check this I would have people that are no longer in our guild seeing our guild exclusive forums and registerd accounts on my teamspeak that should no longer be there. I am sure I am not the only GL with this problem.
Please please please give me some support in this area as this is crucial to helping guild leaders maintain overall guild privacy.
A Guild Leaders Petition
Ishamael Rahvin
This goes in Sardelac!
makes no sense for them to have taken this out in the first place, as well as members leaving on their own
As a leader of a 81 person multigame clan section, which have a policy against being in other guilds while in the clan, this is of great importance to me.
As a leader of a 81 person multigame clan section, which have a policy against being in other guilds while in the clan, this is of great importance to me.
/signed again!
/double signed
/triple signed
/double signed
/triple signed
Lord Xavius
Shanaeri Rynale
It makes the admin side of running a guild a lot lot easier, forums, websites, contact lists etc all hinge on being able to identify who is what. I want to be playing the game, not scouring rosta for someone who's left.
Does'nt happen very often, but that makes it all the more useful
It makes the admin side of running a guild a lot lot easier, forums, websites, contact lists etc all hinge on being able to identify who is what. I want to be playing the game, not scouring rosta for someone who's left.
Does'nt happen very often, but that makes it all the more useful
/signed Though my guild is small. fewer then 30 members. It would be nice to keep track of when people leave. At least that way I can show the other players that complain about being overlooked for officer promotion. when I re-Promote someone that came back, & was one of the original officers.
Originally Posted by Avarre
This goes in Sardelac!

Bring back "who left the guild" on the status tab