How does crafting work?



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

allience of allied allies


In detail someone tell me about it and its beniftits or should I just buy my stuff from ppl?

- I wanna know about ranger stuff if possible
- Anyone no whats the best pet for a ranger?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

there is no best pet for a ranger, they all behave about the same, although there are some that you get at lvl 5, 15, and there is one in prophecies that you can get at lvl 20.

in terms of crafting:

you can't wear armor you buy from other people because it is customized only for them. i would recommend that you buy new armor at lions arch once u get that far, then dont buy any more until you get to droknars forge which is pretty late in the game, or while your in the desert u can go for the collectors armor which is a cheaper way of getting the 70 armor level (AL) armor. the highest armor level for a ranger is 70. when you buy armor you can add runes to it, but only ones that raise ranger attributes like expertise, wilderness survival, etc. in terms of weapons, it is usually best to buy them from other people because the weapons u find on ur own are total crap 9/10 times, however those can be really exspensive. the maximum damage for a bow is 15-28. you can get bow strings that add elemental damage or lifestealing or energy gain on hit or armor penetration bonuses. you can also get bow grips which add things like minimal armor against physical attacks and elemental damage. bow grips also can give health or a chance to increase your marksmanship for your next bow attack.

Hopefully this helps and GL



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

For crafting basically you bring the armorer or weaponsmith the cash and materials and he makes the desired item that you pick from the list of things that are available.

You can get a variety of "perfect" weapons this way plus max armor of the look and/or attributes you are after - depending on which chapter you are in.

Likewise collectors offer max gear but the armor will not have any bonuses and the weapons cannot be salvaged so any upgrades you apply cannot be removed - - unless this has changed with the release of Nightfall. If you have what the collectors are looking for then this stuff is free.