Switching Secondaries-No base skills recieved


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

I switched my Rit to a Paragon secondary a little while ago and didn't recieve any of the base skills for Paragon. I figured it was just a NF/Factions issue, like you didn't get the skills from those expansions.

But then I switched my Dervish to a Rit secondary to try out some farming with weapon spells....and I got all the base skills for Rit's...what gives?


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

looks like a factions character only bug or something, my Dervish gets base skills for the assassin/rit, but my Rit doesn't get base skills for either Dervish or Paragon.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


why give you free unlocks.. sheesh...

Anyway. If you do the tutorial on NIGHTFALL you only get like 3 skills for it anyway. But its a couple to work with at least...