I might have made a mistake...
I accidentally Abandoned a quest, it was one of the first quests where the reward was something like "Koss joins your party". Now I can't use Koss as a hero, does anyone know how to get that back?
Wow, I don't know if you can get that one back... You may have to recreate the character
Ya...abandoning your primary quest generally screws you up.
Nightfalls is full of these.
Nightfalls is full of these.
Sid Soggybottom
Yeah, Nightfall is full of these "onewaydoor" type quests. I imported a character from Tyria and accidently skipped getting the quests from the docks where I first landed in Elonia and couldnt get back until I had someone else warp me back there.
Oh a GW forum
Don't go deleting your character yet, there's gotta be a way to get it back... I refuse to belive ANet would be so blind as to over-look something like that.
Ok, I'm still looking for a way. Do you know when you can speak to Kormir again? I can't find him anywhere right now. Usually you could get quests back when you talk to the person who originally gave them to you.
Originally Posted by Overkill0001
Do you know when you can speak to Kormir again? I can't find him anywhere right now. Usually you could get quests back when you talk to the person who originally gave them to you.

Anyway can't you go back to Lion's Gate or wherever you got the quest and get it again?
I've found strange bug as well. My NF character after beating stating island traveled to Cantha but couldnt get primary quest "Welcome to Cantha" at the first time (there wasnt "!" above NPC for me to get this quest). I tried to travel again later more a few times and after "n-th" time "!" suddenly appeared.. heh..
Apparently it's preventing me from entering the Jokanur Diggings mission. so I guess I am really screwed. I only got to level 9 but still it sucks, I really don't feel like playing Paragon anymore if I have to redo everything.
If anyone knows something that can help me, please tell me.
If anyone knows something that can help me, please tell me.
I don't think there's anything you can do. The thing with nightfall is that you should never break the chain or you're pretty much screwed. If you finish a quest and that same NPC or one standing next to him has another one, TAKE IT!! if it's in an explorable area it might be hard to remember where it was and often the NPCs won't be there next time.
Cow Tale
lol wow dude that sucks! u should send a report to anet telling them what happend so no one else has that happen to them! can u still continue along the story? maybe pick koss up at the point where u do with foriegn characters?
like I said it won't let me do the Jokanur Diggings mission. It doesn't look like I can get Koss anywhere.
I know it's stupid to abandon primary quests but it was an accident. I'll keep my character for a while and maybe they will patch it soon.
How do you contact Anet?
I know it's stupid to abandon primary quests but it was an accident. I'll keep my character for a while and maybe they will patch it soon.
How do you contact Anet?
Wrath Of Dragons
Question: When you look at your hero list, is Koss's name there and just greyed out? or not there at all?
not there at all.
Phoenix Arrows
Uh oh...not a good thing...don't you get Koss before the Village mission? How did you do the mission then?
i did the mission I just didn't get the reward.
Phoenix Arrows
Uh oh...not a good thing...don't you get Koss before the Village mission? How did you do the mission then?
Loki Seiguro
lol..yeah...serious buggings...um..to report to anet i guess anet.com?...its on the offical GW website too so you mgiht be able to acess it there..
Btw they combined the exp from Proph and factions so now we gain exp at a more standard rate instead of like factions where you can get lvl 20 in under 5 hours of extreme play and lvl 20 in proh that takes you 2 weeks or something....
Btw they combined the exp from Proph and factions so now we gain exp at a more standard rate instead of like factions where you can get lvl 20 in under 5 hours of extreme play and lvl 20 in proh that takes you 2 weeks or something....
This doesn't sound fun.
Good luck.
Good luck.