What exactly does one loose out on with the Sec. profession


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

One thing i haven't been able to find out is that what does one loose out with the secondary profession. Is there a certain skill that you do not get for the profession because it's secondary?

For ex. I would start a warrior then my secondary would be a monk. My intent for using the warrior would be for his armor capabilities, but i would be playing the monk. Would i not have a certain skill available to me for the monk class because it's secondary?

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


an attribute

dervish primary attribute is mysticism, try to use any of the avatar elites as a secondary dervish and they'll only last a second

ele is energy storage

Tark Alkerk

Tark Alkerk

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

In a Black Hole



you wound't lose any skills but you would lose an monk atrribute called divine favour which comes in useful when monking also 4 pips of energy regen is useful to also you can't apply secondary proffession runes to your armour.




Join Date: Aug 2005

Hong Kong



You lose out on: Runes, Armor (Insignias), Primary Attribute, and Energy Regeneration, off the top of my head.

Your W/Mo would only be able to hit 12 in Healing Prayers/Protection Prayers, you lose out on Divine Favor (still have the skills but nowhere near as effective), and you only have 2 Energy regeneration.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


It's not so much losing out on something so much as not having access to somethng that only the primary profesion would have: The primary Attribute.

IIRC, it's: Warrior - Strength, Ranger - Expertise, Elementalist - Energy Storage, Mesmer - Fast Casting, Necromancer - Soul Reaping, Monk - Divine Favor, Ritualist - Spawning Power, Assassin - Critical Strikes, Dirvish - Mysticism, Paragon - Leadership

But like I said, you don't lose anything. You just don't have access to any of the ones that are not your primary profession.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


I kinda miss that we could DUMP the secondary and be a PURE character build. I mean lets face it ... How many monks you know that makes use of their secondary? I hardy ever use any attrib on my 2nd prof, and like it when I make a PvP and get those out of the way... Its just more extra stuff to look through when developing a build that actually is a PURE build. A few of my heroes I refuse to add a 2ndary too, cause I can no longer get rid of it later as we did in the NPE.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

Bubblegum Dragons


There are 2 things that make it bad to play a monk on another profession.

First is max energy and energy regeneration. The max energy of a warrior is 20, from a monk is 35. This is a huge difference. You have a much bigger reserve of energy. However, what's even more important, a monk gains energy twice as fast as a warrior. So you're out of energy much quicker and you have to wait twice as long to gain it back. Furthermore, the monk has the primary attribute divine favour which adds healing on top of the normal healing. This means that you heal for about 40 more hp every heal. That means 1 orison, or 5 energy less. So you have much better energy management.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

The Etereal Guard


Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
I kinda miss that we could DUMP the secondary and be a PURE character build. I mean lets face it ... How many monks you know that makes use of their secondary? I hardy ever use any attrib on my 2nd prof, and like it when I make a PvP and get those out of the way... Its just more extra stuff to look through when developing a build that actually is a PURE build. A few of my heroes I refuse to add a 2ndary too, cause I can no longer get rid of it later as we did in the NPE.
If you don't know how to take advantage of your secondary profession, then I'm sorry...you're character's power just got reduced by 33%.

- There's many monks uses mesmer secondary to regain energy. Many more monks use elementist secondary to make use of all the glyphs. Many bonders uses mesmer's mantra of inscription to speed up blessed signet's energy gain so that they may keep more enchantment on others.
- Many warriors uses necromancer secondary to make use of plague touch to get rid of blind, yet many more uses elementist's shock for knocking down people.
- My current necromancer MM hero build uses elementist secondary to use glyph of lesser energy to ease that 25 energy from bone fiend.
- My mesmer counter abaddon build that can be found in the mesmer forum make uses of Paragon secondary's Cautury Signet

That's right off the top of my head.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


I'm a bit simple and generally (for PvE) use builds composed of one profession. However I'll sometimes get a secondary for a hard res - but in PvP it becomes an entirely different. You need to have skills that will counter the human aspect of the enemy in order to allow your primary profession to reach its full potential.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005


Xen of Heroes

A few things. Primary profession attribute, runes, armor level, energy and energy regeneration.

Thom Bangalter

Thom Bangalter


Join Date: Dec 2005



you lose playability and functionality by trying to monk on a warrior primary.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Thank you all for the responces =).


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
I kinda miss that we could DUMP the secondary and be a PURE character build. I mean lets face it ... How many monks you know that makes use of their secondary? I hardy ever use any attrib on my 2nd prof, and like it when I make a PvP and get those out of the way... Its just more extra stuff to look through when developing a build that actually is a PURE build. A few of my heroes I refuse to add a 2ndary too, cause I can no longer get rid of it later as we did in the NPE.
All of the monks that I know utilize their secondary profession for energy management or kiting skills.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


If they have energy problems that's their problem, not mine. I have none... But if you like your 2nds great, on my monk well I just don't see any need for it.

Its just another option. Some builds are pathetic without the help from a secondary prof to help it out... Others are not...

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



I think its best you stop right there before you make a fool of yourself Ingram.

About secondary usage on pure characters , in pvp ( i dont know why you would go pure here but whatever) just having a secondary and not have any skills of that class may cause a bit of extra advantage.

If you were a e/mo for example , people would think you have heal party , while in fact in this pure build you dont have it , so someone might be waiting for you to throw heal party up, well... they might be waiting a while.

Its simple if i saw a player that is pure W, i know he cant get rid of conditions, if he was a w/mo, w/n etc, i woudnt know this .


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
If they have energy problems that's their problem, not mine. I have none... But if you like your 2nds great, on my monk well I just don't see any need for it.

Its just another option. Some builds are pathetic without the help from a secondary prof to help it out... Others are not...
You amuse me.


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006

legendary knights of vanhalla


Originally Posted by Bankai
The max energy of a warrior is 20, from a monk is 35. much better energy .
Actually, my war has 30 energy


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006

legendary knights of vanhalla


Originally Posted by Bankai
The max energy of a warrior is 20, from a monk is 35. much better energy .
Actually, my war has 30 energy


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006



half the regen would just cripple you, and with lack of devine favour ud be needing to cast more often, further cripple.

i think the only professions where you should even consider a monk healing build would be e/mo and n/mo. these 2 have 1)energy storage 2)soul reaping, so you can spam out the heals. a possible is me/mo using me skills to get energy, but often ull be down to 5E, and haveto use orison to save someone.

ritulist profession has a good healing line too. really if you wish to play monk, pick monk as your primary. or ritulist.


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



I've played ElMo healer before as well in areas of the game where live monks are in short supply and Mhenlo is too stupid to be of any use. (Thank god for better AI.) ElMo can power out the healing for a looong time, which you'll need to do since ElMo has no DF bonus.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by hopefulliness
Actually, my war has 30 energy
He means 20 base energy, not including any equipment that boosts your energy.



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


I feel that using a secondary profession can sometimes make a good build great. I play E/N and, on the whole, usually only play ele...but water is something else. Water magic does not do enough for me usually...but then I came across the idea, thanks to someone on this forum, to use Deep Freeze and Feast of Corruption...a Necro elite. Deep freeze strikes for 90 damage or so...which is ok...but when you add FoC on top it deals even more...AND you steal health.

[skill]Deep Freeze[/skill] + [skill]Feast of Corruption[/skill]

As for the profession combination in question, W/Mo...don't use it to be a healer for these following reasons:
1. People will laugh at you
2. There is NO WAY enough energy for you to be an effective monk
3. You are, for all intents and purposes, A WAMMO!
4. Everyone will assume the only skills you possess are Mending and Frenzy
5. People will laugh at you


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Newcastle (Ish)



Originally Posted by Xenex Xclame
If you were a e/mo for example , people would think you have heal party , while in fact in this pure build you dont have it , so someone might be waiting for you to throw heal party up, well... they might be waiting a while.

Its simple if i saw a player that is pure W, i know he cant get rid of conditions, if he was a w/mo, w/n etc, i woudnt know this .
So what your saying is if someone is playing a secondary that is benifical to you, you expect them to benifit you?

When I play MM I go N/Rt would you expect me to use weapon spells or other restoration on you? I go Rt purely for FoMF.

Maybe people should list all there skills before leaving the town..... Just to be on the safe side