In my humble option, I was very very happy to see Elementalist finally have high-end helmet in Guildwars. (Ele never have any high end fancy one in Tyria or Cathan, which most other classes have 15k helmets)
There are 5 different jewel ele vabbi helmets and I only manage to get one. My most favour element - Water. It's not really cheap consider the 2 rare materials. (I recall I probably spend close to 30K-33K on the helmet set)
I'm sharing the Vabbi Ele Water Helmet here, and hopefully someone will post other type of Ele Vabbi Helmets too. (Air and Energy Jewel helmet looks very cool too, anyone has it and wanna share the pics?)
P.S I think these jewel helmet look the best in the darker environment.... the water one actually look like a mini-spirit