btw, cant use search "i dont have privlages" areu kidding me?
Chahbeck Village
Jokanur Diggings
Blacktide Den
Consulate Docks
Nandu Bay
Pogahn Passage
Kodonur Crossroads
Venta Cemetery
Rilohn Refuge
Moddok Crevice
Gates of desolation
Tihark Orchard
Dzagonur Bstion
Grand court of Sebelkeh]
Dasha Vestibule
Ruins of Morah
Gate of pain
Gate of madness
Abaddon's Gate
Please tell me where number 20 isi have 19/20 and this is winding me up...its probably somewhere obvious and i know alot of you will say "find it yourself" but..this is why forums where invented, for lazy people like me.
first bit of usefull info gets 2 ectos (i will determin what useful is). thanx in advance guys.
Game on
Have you completed the game? If so maybe its on the map... scroll across the map in zoomed in mode.
Dunnoes if that would help though... its a start.
Dunnoes if that would help though... its a start.
Jennur's Horde. West of Tihark. No, the forums weren't invented for lazy people like you. Closed.