Request: While attacking and Stance Icons



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006

There are little icons on health bars for a player/monster when he is hexed, enchanted or is suffering from a condition conditions. There is even an icon for when they have weapon spell active. But there aren't any icons for when a player/enemy has a stance active or when he/she is attacking.

I think these icons would really help with the playability and consistency of the game.

(Below 50% would also be useful but someone already made a post about this one)

I hope many people will agree with this request!


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

While attacking icon on the bar? You could just look at the enemy to see if they are attacking.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006

well you might as well just look at your opponent to see if he's hexed or enchanted or if he's wielding a weapon. It's more consistent if they make an icon for all states a player can be in. They should either remove all indicators or make one for every state.

Oh I also format while someone is casting.

I remember p.a. that there are spells that heal friendlies for more if they are attacking. It's kinda nonsense that a monk is looking at all his friendlies all the time and knows whatever they are attacking or not.

Don Vito Corleone

Don Vito Corleone

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005



chants echo and stances all the same u can't know if they are active or not

i agree with u we need icon like the others, hexes and conditions



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Kryta Province

Angel Sharks [As]

Meh, you can blantantly tell when a character is casting or attacking - the animation is very gaudy and obvious. Hexes and conditions are a bit more... hidden (?), not so obvious. The Weapon Spell icon is useful for teammates, since you wouldn't be paying attention to what their weilding, just to see if they need it re-applied.

That said, a Stance icon, and perhaps a universal Chant/Echo/Shout icon could be of use, since there is currently no way to know if an enemy or teammate has any of these (short of watching the enemy activate it). I'm all for those two.

/notsigned for attack/cast icons
/signed for Stance & Chant/Echo/Shout icons

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

I personally think we should have an icon that says how much dp each party member has, as well as one that shows whether they are above or below 50% health (Final Thrust FTW)



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006

United States of America

The Seven Deadly [Sins]

I agree that an indicator for Chants/Echos/Shouts would be handy, especially for Paragons (You have to count in your head to keep an echo or such active, not really terrible, but it would be nice.). Stances...that's probably not neccessary, since you usually can tell if an enemy is in a stance (If you're swinging at a ranger and they're all misses then you use Wild Blow, and there you go.). Attacking and casting are covered, easy to tell if you look at the target.

Under 50% seems a bit like overkill though. I havn't ever had issues with using skills that require the target to be under 50% health, pretty easy to visually gauge when the health bar is less than half full.

To be honest though, I doubt any of those will happen, considering the amount of info that's allready on health bars. Hex, Enchantment, Condition, Weapon Spell on a health bar is four icons allready...if we put on Stance, Echo, Chant, Shout, that's four more...eight possible total icons on one health bar.

This is how it could look:

[Eth ^ V (\) V * # @ + ]

Er...and if you shrink your party could fill up the health bar on there completly. While the chances that any one player would have all of those things on them isn't as high as only a few of them...still, it would happen often enough that it would prove annoying. (Then you'd see threads here titled "Request: Clean up the UI")

More info would be useful, yes...but could also end up with the UI being needlessly cluttered. It's a balance Anet needs to make between keeping the UI informative and useful and being cluttered to the point of being annoying, and intimidating to new players (ever played a hardcore flight-sim? You know what I mean, not exactly a "simple" UI.) Personally, I think we have plenty of info allready. Heck, I've played MMORPGs that don't have any way for you to know your opponant's level or health, much less whatever his status is.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006


A shout indicator would be more than welcome especially with all the new ones we have!