Canthan Hero
Is there a hero i can bring over from Cantha?
There's Zenmai, an assassin hero. I know she's from cantha though I havn't bothered to go get her yet.
Killian Godsblade
You get the quest to get her from the same person who gives you the quest to get to Elona from Cantha. Takes like 2 minutes to do if that. Now whether shes worth it or not is up to you. I personally had a lot of assassin skills unlocked so she's good for me.
Marty Silverblade
The quest is easy aswell. She starts at Lvl 15 with some alright skills (I wouldn't know how good they are because I've never played with one).
The only thing with her is that whenever I take her outside she doesn't move anywhere. She just stands there and does nothing. She still levels up, takes her share of stuff, gets morale boosts, can activate skills (when I click on them, otherwise she doesn't). Is this a bug?
The only thing with her is that whenever I take her outside she doesn't move anywhere. She just stands there and does nothing. She still levels up, takes her share of stuff, gets morale boosts, can activate skills (when I click on them, otherwise she doesn't). Is this a bug?
you checked if she isnt in passive ?
exiled mat
I've had the same bug, she didn't respond to anything
But that was when nightfall started, i don't know if it has been fixed

But that was when nightfall started, i don't know if it has been fixed

Originally Posted by Marty Silverblade
The only thing with her is that whenever I take her outside she doesn't move anywhere. She just stands there and does nothing. She still levels up, takes her share of stuff, gets morale boosts, can activate skills (when I click on them, otherwise she doesn't). Is this a bug?
No, she's not in passive and no, it hasn't been fixed yet as I just tested it a minute ago. The first time it happened I thought she had gotten stuck on something until I ran all the way back and found her just standing there. I'm sending a bug report to alert them of the problem in case no one else has yet.
Here she is ignoring my All Henchmen and Hero Flag:
Just in case, I also tried placing the Hero 1 Flag and she didn't respond to that either.