Feast for the Dead



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

British Columbia

I was wondering... I've been trying to do a Shambling horror, Death nova and Feast for the dead combo where I create a shambling horror, enchant it with Death Nova and then use feast for the dead on it to kill it, damaging and poisoning adjacent enemies, and healing my other minions while creating a new horror for me that causes bleeding when it strikes an enemy (all for a nifty 25 energy, soul reaping will give me a nice portion of that back when I destroy my own minion). But my problem is that whevener I cast Feast For The Dead right after Death Nova, a different monster other than the one I targeted dies. It looks like it's killing the minion closest to my character but the skill description says "Destroy targed animated undead ally" so it shouldnt be targeting the nearest minion, right? So I'm wondering, is there some trick to this? Am I doing something wrong or is there just a little problem with the skill effects/description?

Also wondering... is there any way to see all my minions health bars and types without actually looking at them on screen? It's hell trying to figure out which minion is dieing and then trying to target it in the mess of six minions along with heros and other party members fighting a monster. Often times... the minion dies before I can even target it.

And yet ANOTHER question... I'm having a problem with my shambling horrors staying in one spot after a fight, after I'm done killing everything and walk away they stay in the same spot and only start following me when they are almost off the radar, is this just a normal problem or is there a remedy for it?

Finally... one last question unless I remember one later... what's a necromancers max armor for each individual armor piece? So far all my equipment has 30 armor each which doesnt seem too high...

Dean Harper

Dean Harper

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


The Killer Clan Musketeers [TKCM]


Originally Posted by Sowaka
And yet ANOTHER question... I'm having a problem with my shambling horrors staying in one spot after a fight, after I'm done killing everything and walk away they stay in the same spot and only start following me when they are almost off the radar, is this just a normal problem or is there a remedy for it?

ive had a problem with this too, dont know how to fix it, but its definetally a problem for mm's who want to use shamblings


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


to answer your last question, the normal max necro armor is 60 (like other spellcasters). i am pretty sure that the first place u see this armor is at the consulate docks mission.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS]


I've been running a build like that but with Taste of Death and it seems to be working alright. Maybe it's just a glitch with Feast.

Batou of Nine

Batou of Nine

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

California, USA

Angel Sharks [AS] (RiP [KaiZ] T__T")


Originally Posted by GuildWiki
Feast for the Dead: Destroy target animated undead ally. All of your other animated undead allies are healed for 10...82 Health.
Since it specifically says targetted, then yes if it is not working on your target, then it is bugged. Send in a report to Anet support, they will prolly fix by the next update.




Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

British Columbia

Alright well I submitted a question to the NC website... hopefully it's fixed, it says I'll get a response in the next business day.