Nightfall Equivelant of Ascending?
Zethron Ahriman
Ok, Prophecies = Dessert Missions + beat Dopple.
Cantha = So Whe Nu (sp lol)
Nightfall = ?
Just wondering as I have got a Canthan monk and was wondering if it would be quicker to go to Elona for ascension.
Cantha = So Whe Nu (sp lol)
Nightfall = ?
Just wondering as I have got a Canthan monk and was wondering if it would be quicker to go to Elona for ascension.
The Pointless
Originally Posted by Zethron Ahriman
Cantha = So Whe Nu (sp lol)

To be honest, I really don't know.
If someone does know when this is, that'd be very useful information. There is no "ritual" of any type that I know of. The only thing that I could possibly think of would be ranks or something, but other than that, I just do not know.
If someone does know when this is, that'd be very useful information. There is no "ritual" of any type that I know of. The only thing that I could possibly think of would be ranks or something, but other than that, I just do not know.
Loki Seiguro
there are none atm. but you can still go to FoW so im guessing that "acension" is whenever you are able to go to LA
just my thought
just my thought
I can't find the thread in Elonian Explorers League right now, but it's gaining the ability to change secondaries. In Elona, that's completing the "Building the Base" quests at the Sunspear Sanctuary.
Hrmmm... thats alot of grind if you started a Elonian character to get there.
All those sunspear points hahahaha.
All those sunspear points hahahaha.
Zethron Ahriman
Originally Posted by The Pointless
No idea, so I'll correct you on this. Weh no Su.
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Knightsaber Sith
Well before native Elonians leave Istan you have to do the battle preparations quests and get the blessing from those djinn or whatever which is kinda something...
It comes when you're still on "Noob Island" ...I beleive it's part of your sunspear promotion quests (could be wrong) but it comes with a reward of 15 attribute points...just did it today and STILL can't remember the name of it...
Knightsaber Sith
You get the 15 att points just for getting one of the sunspear ranks (forget which one)
I don't know of any equivalent to Ascension in Factions or Nightfall, but there is a profession changer in both Prophecies and Factions. In Profecies you may complete quests to change secondaries, but in Factions you merely pay for the priviledge. Someone already mentioned that in NF, once you complete the command post, then a profession changer shows up, in the CP.
I'm not sure if this is right but I think that the ascension for the Elonians is when they get the wurm to ride. Someone needs to test this theory though as I havent p[layed an Elonion yet (took my Tyrian Ele through Nightfall first). I would also like to know when and if there is an ascension test in Elona.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Pevil Lihatuh
All I can say for sure is that its not while you're on N00b island, simply coz i've done all quests on there, gotten highest rank I can, the 30 attribs and am on Consulate Docks quest, but if I go to a Profession Change, he tells me I am not Ascended/Closer to the Stars yet.
Smile Like Umean It
Could it be completing the And A Heroe Shall Lead Them quest? That's the only thing I can think of off the top of my head. I got to Nightfall's equivalent of TOA, but I didn't try actually going down, so I have no idea if I'm already ascended or not.
I'm guessing it's "Building the Base" or maybe just the Consulate mission...
Right now there really is no official determined Ascension in Nightfall. I would assume it's after getting to the Sunspear sanctuary, as there is a profession changer there.
I hope there is not... I was utterly disapointed in Faction when I see the same "Ascension" (You can't see it, but go to the stars and you will be able too... F... !!). One time, ok, but 2...
Smile Like Umean It
Hmm, if no one finds out soon I may have to go make a new char and just keep mapping to TOA after each major primary quests to see if they let me go down.
*sigh* The things I do to satisfy my curiosity.
Edit: Anyone tried asking support?
*sigh* The things I do to satisfy my curiosity.
Edit: Anyone tried asking support?
Chantry of Secrets is where the God statues are at... I think it's relevant to this discussion here. It is akin to Zin Ku Corridor or Temple of the Ages.
On the other hand, if you go by when you are able to actually change secondaries or whatnot, it would probably be the command post, after the building the base quests. One sign of this is after the quests you can buy "elite sunspear armor".
On the other hand, if you go by when you are able to actually change secondaries or whatnot, it would probably be the command post, after the building the base quests. One sign of this is after the quests you can buy "elite sunspear armor".
I'm at the Gate of Madness (next to last mission) and have not seen any "ascension" type things. I would figure if there was one I would have seen it by now 
By the time I made it to Chantry of Secrets (following the story) I could go in there. I suppose if you just mean access to the areas then the quest/mission that opens the locked gate before you could get in that area. Since I didn't try to explore ahead of the story I have no idea exactly that point.
I was kinda surprised to see that area that fast, I figured it would be later in the game before we saw the outpost to go to FOW and UW and I expected some type of "ascension".

By the time I made it to Chantry of Secrets (following the story) I could go in there. I suppose if you just mean access to the areas then the quest/mission that opens the locked gate before you could get in that area. Since I didn't try to explore ahead of the story I have no idea exactly that point.
I was kinda surprised to see that area that fast, I figured it would be later in the game before we saw the outpost to go to FOW and UW and I expected some type of "ascension".
Ritualistic Spankin
When I was playing through with my Paragon, just by following the primary quests as soon as I got to Chantry of Secrets I was able to get into FoW. So that being said it was either before that, or it was the quest/mission that drops you off in the Chantry for the first time.
Also just to test if it was a fluke, I went to LA with him and ran him to ToA, where I was still able to enter FoW, and UW.
Also just to test if it was a fluke, I went to LA with him and ran him to ToA, where I was still able to enter FoW, and UW.
Storywise there is no real "ascention", wouldnt make sense if it was either. The people of Elona came to the Crystal Desert to try and get ascended, why would they do that if you could ascend in Elona?
Never tried entering FoW, because I figured I needed to go to the desert and get ascended there, like a good little Elonean.
Never tried entering FoW, because I figured I needed to go to the desert and get ascended there, like a good little Elonean.
Your equivilent to ascention in the Nightfall Campaign is the Lightbringer title. This title is earned by killing certain types of monsters after getting a bounty from the people you see tending resurrection shrines (the same way you get sunspear promotion points).This title provides you with +5% damage to demons and -1 damage taken per rank you have.
If you're looking for an equivilent thing that lets you into FoW, there really isn't anything to my knowledge, but storyline wise, there ya go.
If you're looking for an equivilent thing that lets you into FoW, there really isn't anything to my knowledge, but storyline wise, there ya go.
Actually the real Ascension is when you complete "Building the Base" quest line. Before then you cant change secondaries, immediately after you can - and you MUST be "ascended" to change secondaries. So no, it isnt the Lightbringer thing, or getting a wurm, or anything like that. I know this is correct because it's how I did it with my Dervish.
Smile Like Umean It
I figured it would be something like that.
Horseman Of War
Is it when we take a bath in lyssa's fountain? I havent tried to get into fow with my paragon again since i remembered about the ascension deal (lol Ive done this mistake with at least half my toons)
Building the Base is NOT ascension. You can change your secondary, but you are not ascended for fow/uw.
On a side note - Would this have anything to do with the tyria-elona portal because I just found it and it said I cant use it yet.... something about 'I dont know about the dangers of tyria' like- lol dude Im riding around a sulfer desert infected by Hell and you think I cant handle some level 17 necro-bugs???
Building the Base is NOT ascension. You can change your secondary, but you are not ascended for fow/uw.
On a side note - Would this have anything to do with the tyria-elona portal because I just found it and it said I cant use it yet.... something about 'I dont know about the dangers of tyria' like- lol dude Im riding around a sulfer desert infected by Hell and you think I cant handle some level 17 necro-bugs???
Smile Like Umean It
Hey, those scarabs can be tough.... sometimes....maybe *sigh* fine, they aren't.
Neo Nugget
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
You get the 15 att points just for getting one of the sunspear ranks (forget which one)
This is for Horseman of War. I also found that little portal. I thionk that you must own Profecies to be able to use it, but I own all 3 chapters so I couldn't realy tell you whether this is true or not. If you own the first chapter you should be able to use it to get to the crystal desert.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Once you obtain the rank of Sunspear General, which is required to continue onward in Elona, you become ascended. It is only after obtaining this rank that the 15k Sunspear armor and the Profession Changer come available.
Hmm... I dug this up because it intrigued me so I've tried to test it.
My Paragon somehow ascended without me noticing, and can change her secondary profession at the command post. She hasn't gone past Moddok Crevice yet. So has only 6 completed missions so far.
Yonks ago I created a ranger in Cantha, but never bothered to get her past Kaineng as Factions just didn't hold any replay value for me... so here's what I've found based on bringing her, unascended, to Elona.
Building the Base - No. It's not that. She's done all of it and while the profession changer has appeared in the Command Post she still says "You must be ascended or Closer to the Stars"
Attaining Sunspear General: Not that either. She's gone past that and still can't change her SP
And a Hero Shall Lead Them (Quest): Again no. I checked directly after finishing the quest. No Joy.
Venta Cemetery mission... Well based on all the above I expected to be able to change SP after the mission and the follow-up "The Council Is Called". But no, she's in the Command Post right now being given the brush off yet again.
Curiously, the Elite Sunspear 15K armourer is here and willing to take my hard earned gold.
If I have to take her back to Cantha to ascend I think she's gonna be my new mule...
Re: The Lightbringer title, I seriously doubt it's that. As my paragon has only 6 Lightbringer points so far, yet she is ascended.
My Paragon somehow ascended without me noticing, and can change her secondary profession at the command post. She hasn't gone past Moddok Crevice yet. So has only 6 completed missions so far.
Yonks ago I created a ranger in Cantha, but never bothered to get her past Kaineng as Factions just didn't hold any replay value for me... so here's what I've found based on bringing her, unascended, to Elona.
Building the Base - No. It's not that. She's done all of it and while the profession changer has appeared in the Command Post she still says "You must be ascended or Closer to the Stars"
Attaining Sunspear General: Not that either. She's gone past that and still can't change her SP
And a Hero Shall Lead Them (Quest): Again no. I checked directly after finishing the quest. No Joy.
Venta Cemetery mission... Well based on all the above I expected to be able to change SP after the mission and the follow-up "The Council Is Called". But no, she's in the Command Post right now being given the brush off yet again.
Curiously, the Elite Sunspear 15K armourer is here and willing to take my hard earned gold.
If I have to take her back to Cantha to ascend I think she's gonna be my new mule...

Re: The Lightbringer title, I seriously doubt it's that. As my paragon has only 6 Lightbringer points so far, yet she is ascended.