Is it posible (no good players)?



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006


Battlecry Warlords



I was realy realy wondering, guru is insane mature looking forum towards the ingame gw which i see.

I wanted to find some "normal" players which are mature (age+18) that woud like to have a good and talktive guild so they can hang around. I mostly get pms like this:

- Hi, give me 200 gold to join.
- LOL, "fag" get a life, where did u so old people playing.
- Give me items and ill join.

The most funny thing was, kidd pretented to be mature and he joined the guild, thru he read the rules, (which he didnt) then he suddenly asked me for instant giving all rights of guild to him, but he was instatly kicked.

Also im amazed that i met "normal" players and they like the guild rules wery much, but when i tell them that my guild just moved from another game to gw and guild is atm small they say no tnx. I woud understand if guild woud be inactive. But why woud i invite all idiots/kidds and have a 40+ members guild which woud 1/4 inactive after a few days. I rather have small guild and active members. I played a lot mmorpgs for several years and yet again im amazed under the "recruting" so called thing at gw.

I like guru but i miss good players ingame .

Soory for my english, which is not my primary talk.




Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006


Die or Leave Plz


Hi give me an item and I will talk:P

18+ isn't alwash the best age I am 15 myself but I know and see worser and not normal people that are 18+. From 18+ you think you could expect good behavior but they simply don't know how to:P



Black Beast of Aarrrrgghh

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

The Biggyverse [PLEB] // Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

Originally Posted by AncientLord

I was realy realy wondering, guru is insane mature looking forum towards the ingame gw which i see.
Well, we slightly disagree here. I don't think GWG is that mature. I still see a lot of childish QQ-ing. Let alone stupidity, but that's another issue I guess.

I wanted to find some "normal" players which are mature (age+18) that woud like to have a good and talktive guild so they can hang around.
coming from a guild that also has a strict +18 age requirement, I'll simply say to the previous poster that its not only maturity. Its also the phase of life that people are in. They bond together easier when they have (more) things in common. The life of a parent or student is different from that of a school going guy or girl.

I mostly get pms like this:

- Hi, give me 200 gold to join.
- LOL, "fag" get a life, where did u so old people playing.
- Give me items and ill join.
These are the idiots that you don't want in your guild. ever.

The most funny thing was, kidd pretented to be mature and he joined the guild, thru he read the rules, (which he didnt) then he suddenly asked me for instant giving all rights of guild to him, but he was instatly kicked.
sad story.

Also im amazed that i met "normal" players and they like the guild rules wery much, but when i tell them that my guild just moved from another game to gw and guild is atm small they say no tnx. I woud understand if guild woud be inactive. But why woud i invite all idiots/kidds and have a 40+ members guild which woud 1/4 inactive after a few days. I rather have small guild and active members. I played a lot mmorpgs for several years and yet again im amazed under the "recruting" so called thing at gw.
I think a small guild is always a bit of in limbo. It takes effort to make a guild succeed.

I like guru but i miss good players ingame .
most good players already found a guild. But I'm sure that since new players join the game, there must be some that are still looking for a nice guild.

~ Makk.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

[XG]X-treme Gamers


Good mature guilds are hard to find, but they are out there. Our guild has been going strong since the beginning, and we also have a age requirement. We age from 18-50, and all get along, and help each other out nightly.

Not to say anything bad about people under the age of 18, it's just we are a little older, and we are looking for members that we would have something in common with. I have played with people under 18 in pvp, and they are fine, some are immature, calling others noobs etc,,, which I find to be rude, but if thats what they want to do, then so be it, we just don't allow that in our guild. Also some 15 year olds have been more mature then some 18 yr olds... lol, just depends on the person..

Every guild is different with different goals, so hopefull it will work out for you, good luck... T

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

recruiting "from the streets" is the best way to get those kind of anoying members. if you dont have any real life friends who play GW (and naturally will bre in your guild) the best way is to play the game, join farming PUGs and such. add people that you get along with to your friends list and keep in touch with them by goin "out" with them once in a while and exchanging "hello, how are you" pms.

then after you KNOW that they are normal mature people ask themm to join your guild.

trust me, a mature player is either in a guild already, or will join a guild through a friend.

oh ya, always interview new recruits

PS- its not about the size of a guild, its about the members in it. if you enjoy the company of your guildies and you guys do all the things together, 12 people(max party size possible) is really enouth . having a huge guild just for the size of it is not worth the trouble, because you will still be playing with your favorite 12 old friends. our guild is ~60 members, we are just lucky to have great mature people in the guild, and most of them came in through other friends who were in before. even tho theres alot of people in diffrent time zones there is always somebody online

Am I A Good Sin

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006


Pyromaniacs Inc


Ahhhh how I wish I had that sorta luck to get 60 ppl in my guild. Me and my friend from school started a guild and it isn't going good. Every1 we invite has left cept for 2 others. Even my " friends " have left. I was trying to get the guild to be a PvP oriented guild but no luck so far >.< btw I'm only 14 and I've got plenty of friends ( that don't play gw ) that r 18+ and I get along with them just fine.



Black Beast of Aarrrrgghh

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

The Biggyverse [PLEB] // Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

Originally Posted by Maria The Princess
recruiting "from the streets" is the best way to get those kind of anoying members.
Agreed, recruiting from the streets is asking to get ...problems. I'll share a few PM talks I had with random people 'on the street'.

M "Hello"
"Can I join your guild"
M "Ehm...who are you?"
"You don't know me. I just need a guild"
M "Then the answer is no."

M "hello"
"Can I join your guild?"
<insert very long conversation about recruiting>
M "btw, how did you get my in game name?
"oh, I just saw you standing there. I thought, nice looking black armor, cool cape. worth a try"




Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006


Battlecry Warlords


Originally Posted by Makkert
Agreed, recruiting from the streets is asking to get ...problems. I'll share a few PM talks I had with random people 'on the street'.

M "Hello"
"Can I join your guild"
M "Ehm...who are you?"
"You don't know me. I just need a guild"
M "Then the answer is no."

M "hello"
"Can I join your guild?"
<insert very long conversation about recruiting>
M "btw, how did you get my in game name?
"oh, I just saw you standing there. I thought, nice looking black armor, cool cape. worth a try"

Really nice explaing i laughted a bit . Its not a woory about me as guild leader. This guild that im running is almost 4 years old (but new to gw), so i know what is going on and how shoud do. But my bigest problem is (as in 1st. post) to find "normal" mature players . Atm we expanded to 10+ members and are doing fine.

Tnx for hints, thru i already know them .



Sergio Leone

Sergio Leone

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Dallas, TX

The International Terrorists [USA]


Originally Posted by Makkert
Agreed, recruiting from the streets is asking to get ...problems. I'll share a few PM talks I had with random people 'on the street'.

M "Hello"
"Can I join your guild"
M "Ehm...who are you?"
"You don't know me. I just need a guild"
M "Then the answer is no."

M "hello"
"Can I join your guild?"
<insert very long conversation about recruiting>
M "btw, how did you get my in game name?
"oh, I just saw you standing there. I thought, nice looking black armor, cool cape. worth a try"

That's terrible man.

I used to be an officer in a guild long ago and it was hard finding decent members for the guild. My best tip is to have an extensive (well maybe not extensive but a proper) application procedure. In my last guild we required that they post an app on the site (mostly the in-depth ones are the ones who got in) and based on the app we had an interview with you. You just need to find a way that can not only produce many applicants but also a way to weed out the bad ones.

I believe having an age requirement is a little overboard. I completely understand why age requirements are implemented into a Guilds requirements but I think that instead of shutting the under 18 (typical age requirement) they should still look at the person, but maybe with a different attitude about them going into an interview or whatever. I personally believe that there are many mature teenagers (ages vary) who fit quite well along side adults. I personally PREFER playing and interacting with adults solely because of the maturity level they are on. So I think people who are under 18 should still be able to apply to guilds and be questioned but maybe they can be pre-judged with the idea that they could very well be immature. This would allow for those people who really do qualify, maturity and all, to have a shot at some of these top notch guilds.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by Makkert
Agreed, recruiting from the streets is asking to get ...problems. I'll share a few PM talks I had with random people 'on the street'.

M "Hello"
"Can I join your guild"
M "Ehm...who are you?"
"You don't know me. I just need a guild"
M "Then the answer is no."

M "hello"
"Can I join your guild?"
<insert very long conversation about recruiting>
M "btw, how did you get my in game name?
"oh, I just saw you standing there. I thought, nice looking black armor, cool cape. worth a try"

In the same lines, I've seen something weird once at Sunspear Sanctuary. This random guy was spamming for a guild, and asked guilds that would be interested in him to go by the fountain and show them the guild's cape. Kept saying things like "I like necro's cape... No thanks, I don't the like ranger's..."

I think that's the only thing he based a guild on... not the kind of people you want in a guild...

Commander Ryker

Site Contributor

Join Date: Jun 2005


Originally Posted by AncientLord

I was realy realy wondering, guru is insane mature looking forum towards the ingame gw which i see.

I wanted to find some "normal" players which are mature (age+18) that woud like to have a good and talktive guild so they can hang around. I mostly get pms like this:

- Hi, give me 200 gold to join.
- LOL, "fag" get a life, where did u so old people playing.
- Give me items and ill join.

The most funny thing was, kidd pretented to be mature and he joined the guild, thru he read the rules, (which he didnt) then he suddenly asked me for instant giving all rights of guild to him, but he was instatly kicked.

Also im amazed that i met "normal" players and they like the guild rules wery much, but when i tell them that my guild just moved from another game to gw and guild is atm small they say no tnx. I woud understand if guild woud be inactive. But why woud i invite all idiots/kidds and have a 40+ members guild which woud 1/4 inactive after a few days. I rather have small guild and active members. I played a lot mmorpgs for several years and yet again im amazed under the "recruting" so called thing at gw.

I like guru but i miss good players ingame .

Soory for my english, which is not my primary talk.


Age is not a sign of maturity. I have seen very mature 14 year olds and imature 20+ year old. We have all ages, in our guild and in our alliance and we all get along fine. If someone needs help, we all pitch in, if possible, not just the guild but the whole alliance.

We've had a few kids join that were demanding little buggers, but they got the boot very quickly.

I'm curious about your rules. I am co-leader of our guild and our only rule so far has been to just have fun. I'd like to see yours if you don't mind sharing. You can pm them to me.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006


Originally Posted by AncientLord

The most funny thing was, kidd pretented to be mature and he joined the guild, thru he read the rules, (which he didnt) then he suddenly asked me for instant giving all rights of guild to him, but he was instatly kicked.

Also im amazed that i met "normal" players and they like the guild rules wery much, but when i tell them that my guild just moved from another game to gw and guild is atm small they say no tnx. I woud understand if guild woud be inactive. But why woud i invite all idiots/kidds and have a 40+ members guild which woud 1/4 inactive after a few days. I rather have small guild and active members. I played a lot mmorpgs for several years and yet again im amazed under the "recruting" so called thing at gw.
My friend, I share your experience! Though I was only officer and not a guild lord! Sadly, many of your members who never had run thier own guild would understand your concerns, nor understand why your guild suddenly is minimized to 10-15 brave warriors. For 1 adventurer I recruited for a certain guild, kicked 10(!)

Here's the story:

I was hiking in the Shiverpeaks when a guildlord of an old guild sent me whisper. He requested me to come back, along with 3 other old officers - he claimed he needed help to save his guild from going down.

Sadly, our return angered many new members who suddendly went "wtf why are they officers so fast" "that's unfair!"? There were those old friend who had fainth in us and welcomed us back with open arms, and there were those who did not know us and thought us as random strangers who bought our officer title...

Many of our old friends we had had found another home, but we tried saving the remain of shattered guildspirit. We let our new members know us officers better, joked a bit more than we usual on the forums, and helped them out with mission and such. Some of these warriors are still on my friend list. We raised the rating from 900 to 1000 again. Sadly this was after kicking 20+ of our brave warriors.

Things were going good, but the guildlord needed more adventurers to join. And by a trick of fate, we had a certain officer with too much gold to waste! He kept inviting folks with the mind of a 6-13 year old and signed them up for battle (GvG) without the guildlord's or the other officer's concern. It was a shame, that our guildlord gave him too many chances and did not demote him - he spiked our guild rating down to 900 very soon and many of our old friends got fed up and left.

And then final straw was drawn:

When we discussed battle tactics in the hall when a warrior-monk claimed a spot in the team. "My build is uber," "your tactics are noob", "I will show you." "I win all 1 vs 1". My good friend frowned at her behavour, and decided to kick he since she had an ego too big for her own good. I, however, decided to give her a chance.

I accepted her challenge and brough a riposte build on purpose to check her reactions. I defeated her in a duel a x3 times in a row. Then the guildlord called me back for a the real battle. I resigned to get a teleport, and the warrior-monk, seeing that she "won", flooded the guildchat with "HAHAHAHHA I WON /DANCE". This angered not only me, but also the other two old officers, and half of the guild "why is this kid in our guild?". I kicked her.

However, this amazon happened to be a friend of the officer who invited kiddos, and she was re-invited immediately. Of course, she started flooding our guild channel with rude words. A fierce debate raged in our hall that evening and many people left. With only 15 members left, and with a guildrate downed to a such miserable state, the guild lord gave up and sold the guild

Sad, but true. That is what happened to me, a poor guildhopper.



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006


Battlecry Warlords


Originally Posted by Commander Ryker
Age is not a sign of maturity. I have seen very mature 14 year olds and imature 20+ year old. We have all ages, in our guild and in our alliance and we all get along fine. If someone needs help, we all pitch in, if possible, not just the guild but the whole alliance.

We've had a few kids join that were demanding little buggers, but they got the boot very quickly.

I'm curious about your rules. I am co-leader of our guild and our only rule so far has been to just have fun. I'd like to see yours if you don't mind sharing. You can pm them to me.

Here is your request . But take ur time, it is a lot to read.

Originally Posted by Lyllrik
My friend, I share your experience! Though I was only officer and not a guild lord! Sadly, many of your members who never had run thier own guild would understand your concerns, nor understand why your guild suddenly is minimized to 10-15 brave warriors. For 1 adventurer I recruited for a certain guild, kicked 10(!)

Here's the story:

I was hiking in the Shiverpeaks when a guildlord of an old guild sent me whisper. He requested me to come back, along with 3 other old officers - he claimed he needed help to save his guild from going down.

Sadly, our return angered many new members who suddendly went "wtf why are they officers so fast" "that's unfair!"? There were those old friend who had fainth in us and welcomed us back with open arms, and there were those who did not know us and thought us as random strangers who bought our officer title...

Many of our old friends we had had found another home, but we tried saving the remain of shattered guildspirit. We let our new members know us officers better, joked a bit more than we usual on the forums, and helped them out with mission and such. Some of these warriors are still on my friend list. We raised the rating from 900 to 1000 again. Sadly this was after kicking 20+ of our brave warriors.

Things were going good, but the guildlord needed more adventurers to join. And by a trick of fate, we had a certain officer with too much gold to waste! He kept inviting folks with the mind of a 6-13 year old and signed them up for battle (GvG) without the guildlord's or the other officer's concern. It was a shame, that our guildlord gave him too many chances and did not demote him - he spiked our guild rating down to 900 very soon and many of our old friends got fed up and left.

And then final straw was drawn:

When we discussed battle tactics in the hall when a warrior-monk claimed a spot in the team. "My build is uber," "your tactics are noob", "I will show you." "I win all 1 vs 1". My good friend frowned at her behavour, and decided to kick he since she had an ego too big for her own good. I, however, decided to give her a chance.

I accepted her challenge and brough a riposte build on purpose to check her reactions. I defeated her in a duel a x3 times in a row. Then the guildlord called me back for a the real battle. I resigned to get a teleport, and the warrior-monk, seeing that she "won", flooded the guildchat with "HAHAHAHHA I WON /DANCE". This angered not only me, but also the other two old officers, and half of the guild "why is this kid in our guild?". I kicked her.

However, this amazon happened to be a friend of the officer who invited kiddos, and she was re-invited immediately. Of course, she started flooding our guild channel with rude words. A fierce debate raged in our hall that evening and many people left. With only 15 members left, and with a guildrate downed to a such miserable state, the guild lord gave up and sold the guild

Sad, but true. That is what happened to me, a poor guildhopper.
I donno, mate... but such players (unmature) i kick instatly, couse they like to lie about the age and street "recruting" is and never was my strong site. The guild structure must be made before some one is making a guild and having 2342349238 officers o_O omg.... total imbalance.


In our guild we got 20+ of age pvp officer which is strictly doing pvp and no 1 blocks him at it and we got a 2nd. pve officer which is strictly there for pve things with me. So in a guild i woud prefer only max 2 officer. What is much more then 2 officer per guild is really not good to guild leader :/. Maybe 3 officer coud be, "if" the 3rd one is recruting officer.



Pure Disasta

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006

Well personally i think the +18 thing is really quite pointless and doesnt really do anything at all. Iam 16 and out of curiousity i have tried joining these guilds before and really its not hard at all and they have no way to actually know if your really +18. Its not hard for me to act mature when i want to or make someone belive iam older then i actually am.