Factions or Nightfall which is better??
i just bought prophecies and im wondering what to get next uh factions or nightfall factions lookslike it has cool classes (assasin, ritualist) but uh nightfall looks good too...wich one???
(by the way in nightfall can i be all the classes from the last games?)
(by the way in nightfall can i be all the classes from the last games?)
Count to Potato
Nightfall hands down no competition
Nightfall for PvE, Factions for PvP, whichever you like better.
While Factions is WAY to short for my likeing the drops where last time I played there WAY WAY WAY WAY better than in Nightfall. I get better drops on factions newbie island than I do from lvl 26 mobs in mid to end Nightfall. If that is I get any at all. How ever Nightfall looks so much better than Factions and has many more proper quests. But its unlikely I will keep playing thier once I have finished it once or twice.
Malice Black
Nightfall is far superior to Factions imo.
lol factions is horrible, for 3 reasons, 1: It Lags 2: Super Boring 3: all it is is a city and it all looks the same get nightfall nightfall is so sick!!!
I perfer to armor looking and 2 new professions in Factions.
Personally, I dont like dervish and paragon, and they are kinda boring.
But, it is just my personality.
Personally, I dont like dervish and paragon, and they are kinda boring.
But, it is just my personality.
True, the new chars in factions are alil more fun then the ones in nightfall but i think u get the ritualist and Assasin in nightfall to
No Ritualist or Assassin in Nightfall.
Anyway I don't agree on one point. Faction got a fantastic art design, even Kaineng center, and some astonishing scenes in Jade sea or Echoval Forest.
One last thing, I prefer the Faction armor system.
Anyway I don't agree on one point. Faction got a fantastic art design, even Kaineng center, and some astonishing scenes in Jade sea or Echoval Forest.
One last thing, I prefer the Faction armor system.
Originally Posted by Hyunsai
No Ritualist or Assassin in Nightfall.
Anyway I don't agree on one point. Faction got a fantastic art design, even Kaineng center, and some astonishing scenes in Jade sea or Echoval Forest. One last thing, I prefer the Faction armor system. |
i agree the armor system is very nice but , the new armor at the endgame of nightfall is epic
Sable Phoenix
Nightfall is a better game in almost every way. The only way Factions is better is the armor system. In every other way, Nightfall drives it into the ground, and boy does it deserve it.
Kool Pajamas
If you like long grinds than Nightfall is better. If you just like to kill stuff and get through the story Factions is better.
Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
If you like long grinds than Nightfall is better. If you just like to kill stuff and get through the story Factions is better.
Legendary Shiz
If you plan on pvp, get them both. If you're just in it for PvE get Nightfall.
The inclusion of the hero system accross chapters radically changes the experience of those older chapters... In terms of everyone else using them, anyway, even if you don't have Nightfall yourself.
...Consequently, while I preferred Factions PvE as I experienced it when it first came out, the fundamental shift in the community means that now you may as well get Nighftall 'cause hey, it's longer!
The only thing you'll be missing out on (OK, aside from cheap armour) will be the hybrid PvP/PvE modes - Alliance Battles, Fort Aspenwood. But then opinions vary wildly on those - some people love them, others can't stand them. It's up to you whether it appeals to you or not.
...Consequently, while I preferred Factions PvE as I experienced it when it first came out, the fundamental shift in the community means that now you may as well get Nighftall 'cause hey, it's longer!
The only thing you'll be missing out on (OK, aside from cheap armour) will be the hybrid PvP/PvE modes - Alliance Battles, Fort Aspenwood. But then opinions vary wildly on those - some people love them, others can't stand them. It's up to you whether it appeals to you or not.
Originally Posted by Count to Potato
Nightfall hands down no competition
I'd say Nightfall is better. Although much of it (hero system, inscriptions, ect) is such a blatant money sink it's not funny. I prefer the Factions armours and the armour/use style as well.
Nightfall >>>> Factions > prophecies
Nightfall >>>> Factions > prophecies
Originally Posted by SilentAssassin
Nightfall >>>> Factions > prophecies
Spirit Of Azrael
Nightfall = Eff Tee Dubya
Nightfall and Factions are about the same.
Contrary to what many people are saying, Factions isn't that much pvp. Really, the only pvp things in Factions are Alliance battles, Fort Aspenwood, and Jade Quarry, which isn't that much.
Factions seems to have more to do overall. Nightfall has a lot of tedious grind for sunspear points at the beggining of the game, but it also has heros, so that cancels out the grind plus more.
I say you get both, but get Nightfall first just because
1) There are more people there right now
2) it has heros that you can bring to other continents, which make the game a lot easier
IMO, Factions=Nightfall>>>Prophecies, but they are all worth getting, enspecially if you already bought Prophecies and liked it.
Contrary to what many people are saying, Factions isn't that much pvp. Really, the only pvp things in Factions are Alliance battles, Fort Aspenwood, and Jade Quarry, which isn't that much.
Factions seems to have more to do overall. Nightfall has a lot of tedious grind for sunspear points at the beggining of the game, but it also has heros, so that cancels out the grind plus more.
I say you get both, but get Nightfall first just because
1) There are more people there right now
2) it has heros that you can bring to other continents, which make the game a lot easier
IMO, Factions=Nightfall>>>Prophecies, but they are all worth getting, enspecially if you already bought Prophecies and liked it.
death fuzzy
the only things i liked about factions was the extremely fast levelling and armour.
currently, the best thing to do is start in factions, get off newb island, go to kamadan, do the mission that brings you to the mainland, and there you go.
Disadvantage, weak heroes.
currently, the best thing to do is start in factions, get off newb island, go to kamadan, do the mission that brings you to the mainland, and there you go.
Disadvantage, weak heroes.
Nightfall... hands down
Factions > Nightfall > Prophecies
Sophitia Leafblade
Nightfall definetly, Factions was fun but was really a BIG let down after Phrophecies, Nightfall is a step in the right direction
. *hugs Anet*

PvP = Player Versus Play (fighting other humans)
PvE = Plaver Versus Environment (roll playing game, fighting the computer mobs)
I only play PvE
Factions was by far the easiest to level up and gain the max level of 20. My best time to level 20 was a little over 7 hours without the use of XP scrolls. It was a quick game and can be finished in less than 40 hours of play. However I found that the game was a bit too hectic for me and at first I personally didn't like the new characters. I do like the assassin now since I've learned the proper way to play the class (hit and run, !tank), but she is still one of my least played characters.
I'm still exploring Nightfall. I like the game better than Factions so far. Nightfall is much slower though than Factions. I think it took me 5 hours to reach level 12 on my Dervish due to having to earn promotion points and the running back and forth of some of the quests. I have over 40 hours of play on my Paragon and have only completed 7 of 20 missions, but he is my explorer so my Dervish is getting the benefits of the exploration.
So far the story of Nightfall is good and seems a bit easier for me to follow than that of Prophecies. Factions story was mostly easy to follow too.
The Dervish and Paragon are fun to play. The Paragon is great party leader with his skills and can deal some damage by himself and take damage with the 2nd highest armor in the game. This works well with the heros. The Dervish seems like it will easier than the Paragon to solo with - once you've gotten the proper skills. The Dervish, being a melee class fighter, is vulnerable in the beginning without any direct self healing skills, running away skills and only 3rd level (Ranger/Assassin) class armor.
Hopefully this helps you form an opinion. Which ever you decide, be sure to come back and check the site and forums for help and to share your experiences.
PvE = Plaver Versus Environment (roll playing game, fighting the computer mobs)
I only play PvE
Factions was by far the easiest to level up and gain the max level of 20. My best time to level 20 was a little over 7 hours without the use of XP scrolls. It was a quick game and can be finished in less than 40 hours of play. However I found that the game was a bit too hectic for me and at first I personally didn't like the new characters. I do like the assassin now since I've learned the proper way to play the class (hit and run, !tank), but she is still one of my least played characters.
I'm still exploring Nightfall. I like the game better than Factions so far. Nightfall is much slower though than Factions. I think it took me 5 hours to reach level 12 on my Dervish due to having to earn promotion points and the running back and forth of some of the quests. I have over 40 hours of play on my Paragon and have only completed 7 of 20 missions, but he is my explorer so my Dervish is getting the benefits of the exploration.
So far the story of Nightfall is good and seems a bit easier for me to follow than that of Prophecies. Factions story was mostly easy to follow too.
The Dervish and Paragon are fun to play. The Paragon is great party leader with his skills and can deal some damage by himself and take damage with the 2nd highest armor in the game. This works well with the heros. The Dervish seems like it will easier than the Paragon to solo with - once you've gotten the proper skills. The Dervish, being a melee class fighter, is vulnerable in the beginning without any direct self healing skills, running away skills and only 3rd level (Ranger/Assassin) class armor.
Hopefully this helps you form an opinion. Which ever you decide, be sure to come back and check the site and forums for help and to share your experiences.