Where to cap {e}Incoming ?
I have looked everywhere in the wild of Badhza. There is no one to cap incoming from. I already did destroy the harpies and the quest given by the prince in the zone before I had a signet of capture. I am now at a lost on where to try to cap incoming. I have also done desperate measures. Any ideas ?
Shrouded Waffle
Well, since you've completed all of those quests, Wiki's giving me "Kunan the Loudmouth" in Wilderness of Bahdza.
Can't really tell you much other than that, good luck!
Can't really tell you much other than that, good luck!
well I can say without a doubt there is no "Kunan the Loudmouth". I wipped out the entire zone. Nothin, no paragons.
I capped it from a Paragon boss named "Scratcher" in Wild of Badhza around the portal to Resplendent Makkun. I did not have any quests in that location active.
Ryder Mali
There are a couple of guys... Scratcher, Screecher, maybe more... and they are in that area.
Gert Butterfing
Originally Posted by aeroclown
well I can say without a doubt there is no "Kunan the Loudmouth". I wipped out the entire zone. Nothin, no paragons.

Well I searched the zone 3 times, and no luck. I don't have Paragons near the portal, and scratcher, screecher are only there before you complete the quest I have completed already. But I haven't been able to find "Kunan the Loudmouth". I don't know whats going on. Guess I'll search again.
Some bosses seem to randomly appear. I got Expert's Dexterity last night. Went out with a guildie today and he wasn't in the spot or anywhere around. Went a second time and he was there. Went a third time and he was gone. That was the first time I've encountered a boss not always be where they are supposed to be in this game.
Welcome to Prophecies' Spawnchances.
Glad they're back
Glad they're back

Turbo Wombat
Not sure if they spawn every time, but I found Screecher/Scratcher (Don't remember which one) here:
I had already completed the Destroy the Harpies quest by the time I got around to capping it.
I had already completed the Destroy the Harpies quest by the time I got around to capping it.
there is definitely a little randomness to where the bosses spawn, my guild leader had been trying to cap an assassin skill (I forget where), and on his 11th attempt, the boss finally appeared!
Originally Posted by Turbo Wombat
Not sure if they spawn every time, but I found Screecher/Scratcher (Don't remember which one) here:
I had already completed the Destroy the Harpies quest by the time I got around to capping it. |
Just make sure you're entering the Explorable to cap, and not entering the mission.