Here's what I have so far, as you can see I only have a very VERY rough sketch going, but I ran into a roadblock when I tried to figure out what armor to give her. I have the faint outlines of a 15k sunspear etched in, but I'm not sure if that's what I wanna do. This is where you, the reader, come in.
Oh, and yeah the vabbi aero headpiece looked a bit sailor moon-ish so I decided to uh...make sure no one got confused >_>
Drawing my Ele: Input requested
Nkah Sennyt
I'd vote either 15k Sunspear or 1.5k Luxon. Those are two of my favorite ele armors.
Looks awesome so far, though. Let me know after if you'd consider doing commissions. >.>
Looks awesome so far, though. Let me know after if you'd consider doing commissions. >.>
I would go with the 15k Tyrian Aeromancer armor myself.
I think it looks great so far, I would also suggest 15k luxon - it is one of my favorites

Well the general consensus was 15k sunspear (I asked around in-game and IRC :P)
Here ya goez :P
Here ya goez :P
Love it!!!