Pet types
Beatrix of Alexandria
Is there a different in strength between the types of pets? Basically I'm wondering if any pet has an advantage over another for pve. I've been getting conflicting reports from people in game, some saying they all are essentially the same, and others saying some are stronger than others. Anyone know for sure?
I may be wrong, but I believe they are ALL the same.
With the exception of the bear, which is stronger but attacks slower.
Like I said, I may be wrong as this is recalling from memory.
But they do all balance out.
With the exception of the bear, which is stronger but attacks slower.
Like I said, I may be wrong as this is recalling from memory.
But they do all balance out.
From everything that I've read (that had information to back it up) I've come to understand that all pets are the same. The only exception that I've heard both sides of is that Bears might use an attack skill- Brutal Mauling. It doesn't do any extra damage, but as it is an attack skill it could potentially set off some skills effects.
All pets deal the same amount of damage with their attacks. A few - the Dune Lizard and the Black Widow - deal Piercing damage instead of Slashing damage like the others. Bears can use Brutal Mauling, which is slower then their normal attack and doesn't deal any more damage but counts as an attack skill, so it triggers some Paragon skills.
Beatrix of Alexandria
Great. Thanks for the help!