Request: Female Ele Primeval -dyed-
Nkah Sennyt
I've seen the ripped-shirt-and-broken-umbrella armor, and I'm vaguely starting to grow fond of it. Except all I see it in is its drab grey color. If anyone could post a pic of it [preferrably some shade of blue], it would be much appreciated. <3
Nkah Sennyt
Bump, please let me know whether this looks not-terrible dyed. >.>
I have only seen it in grey as well, and i dont have the armor on my ele
you could try looking at the post your emementalist thread to see if anyone has it dyed.

Nkah Sennyt
Originally Posted by xxSilhouette
I have only seen it in grey as well, and i dont have the armor on my ele
you could try looking at the post your emementalist thread to see if anyone has it dyed.
I looked through it [since I have it subscribed], as well as the 15k Armor Pics thread in the Ele subforum of GWO. No one has it dyed, only grey... :/

Yes, i just checked wiki as well - they have a guy on there with it dyed, but not others. I'll keep a look out in game for you - if i see someone ill SS them and post it for you
Nkah Sennyt
Thanks a lot. <3
I'd also love to see this - despite the fact that everyone seems to not like it, the only part I'm not keen on is the pants, but it really depends on how the whole thing looks dyed. For all I know, the pants look nice when they're not gray. The armor is growing on me, too.
Of course, it'll take me *forever* to get my ele there (if ever) but hey. I can at least second the vote for a dyed one so that I can consider it.

Of course, it'll take me *forever* to get my ele there (if ever) but hey. I can at least second the vote for a dyed one so that I can consider it.

Nkah Sennyt
A good friend of mine found this link to it dyed red, and made me decide not to get it. It might not look bad in black, but it's not worth it to me.!set=421!set=421
Sometimes armor sets grow on me as well, but personally i think that set looks even worse red.

Dissenting vote!
In red, I really like it except for the pants. The pants kill it for me because they're not red in the front at ALL. There's very little that will make that look right. I'm almost wondering if white would be the way to go, so the pants looks like they match. Or, a different piece there; maybe the ancient pants, or one of the skirt pieces. The problem is where the boots cut off, though. Eh. Shall have to think about it.
I have to admit, it's even MORE tempting to get it because so many people don't like it...

I have to admit, it's even MORE tempting to get it because so many people don't like it...

Originally Posted by ElinoraNeSangre
I have to admit, it's even MORE tempting to get it because so many people don't like it...
I didn't like it at first but it's growing on me. Looks nicer red than grey in my opinion. May decide to get it after all.