Bohdok Caverns unexplorable?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2005

Northen California

Avatars of Faith a


Im stuck at just over 96% explored in Elona. And the Bohdok Caverns will not map. Is this place unexplorable? or is it a bug? I have messaged anet and no response yet. Anyone else stuck with this?

Smile Like Umean It

Smile Like Umean It

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


I think it's kinda like FoW in the sense that you can uncover the map, but only while you're in there. And it doesn't count towards the title.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


You will find that certian areas of each continent are unmappable. These areas do not count toward the mapping titles at all. Most of the areas are noted by when you are in them they will be dark instead of lighted up like the rest of the areas. You may have overlooked a few small areas which is quite possible. I am stuck at 94% of cantha and cant find the small parts that I am missing, I think that they may be in missions or even in some remote areas that I havent found a way to get too yet. Don't worry about getting the last little bit, one day ypu will find that you have it and will be wondering when that happened. Another way to try and find the areas you are missing is to use the min i map that can be brought up when playing (press the U key while in an outpost or explorable area) this map is a bit more refined than the main map and can give you a better picture of the areas you are in. You can also stretch it to show a bigger area if you want. That is how I found the last little bit I was missing in Tyria and finaly got 100% mapped for there. Good luck

Mega Mouse