Well, I've been through many forums, this one, gwo, guildhall...
I'm basically looking to confirm if req.8 Max Damage inscribable weapons really do exist?
I've heard rumors that they do not exist in NF, and many of the posts here, even in the high end forum, only have req.9 as the minimum I've seen. I am therefore asking, does anyone know of a Req.8 Max Damage inscribable weapon?
Loooking for confirmation - Req.8 Max Dmg NF Weapons?
Actualy I have found several req 8 and even 7 max damage NF weapons. Granted I found them in areas where it is almost impossible to get too without the wurms to ride but they are still around.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
We really do not need another thread about this. Closed.